why waste time?

by lucidentity 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • lucidentity

    Ken P

    I agree that 1975 issue and all that, but you should not be in the truth for that, you should be there to worship Jehovah...not to receive some great award etch.

    As for prophecies and predictions I cant but they are accurate about the signs in bible from the standpoint of it being the last days and what not...how christendom is as it is...and that armaggeddon will come....

  • MrMoe

    I agree with the points that it is multi-faceted. I come here for friendship as well.

    As I have said before, ex-JW's are different than the entire rest of the world. We are outcasts of a CULT. Our take on life is so different than the "normal" population, many of us grappling with issues ingrained and branded upon our minds.

    Many come here for therapy as well, and that is how I first started posting here. This website helped me to exit the borg in ways you could only imagine. In time, many of the folks here become my friends. I have met and talked to one-on-one with people here beyond the "walls" of the board. So many folks here have become like family to me, being by my side through the ups and downs of life, and I hope I do the same for them. So now that I have exited the borg successfully, do I stop posting? Heaven's NO!

    It's all about association!



    Edited by - MrMoe on 25 June 2002 11:1:27

  • joannadandy
    As for prophecies and predictions I cant

    I think a more important question is why do you want a faith so badly when you can't even explain it? I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but you really do need to look in depth at some of these issues for yourself, before you question others behaviors...

  • lucidentity

    well joanna.....how about you explain the meaning of life to me ...from the top..lets hear it

  • JanH
    but they are accurate about the signs in bible from the standpoint of it being the last days and what not

    No they aren't. The claims about "signs of the last days" are some of the more ludicruous WTS doctrines. It really tells us something about the ahistorical nature of this sect that they can get away with claiming an increase in wars, crime, disease, earthquakes and famine in a time where the human population have increased manyfold, precisely because all these factors are reduced compared to earlier centures.

    - Jan

  • SpiceItUp

    Do you believe the JW's and what they preach?

    Did you know that even coming to this site is grounds for disfellowshipping? (we are apostates you know!)

    As a christian (which you have said you are) do you feel it is right to shun others for disagreeing with your faith....keep in mind earlier that you posted you find disagreements to be healthy?

    You said you have been lurking...(I'm glad you are out and posting btw) and obviously have read many horror stories as well as hypocrisy and contradictions but yet you still want to go back...why?

    Lets hear what exactly it is that you believe and why. You are questioning us..so this is fair turnaround.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Lucidentity, your going to get high, medium and low comments on this forum and it's up to YOU to decide which road to take.

    Create your own destiny. "No failure is ever final...nor success!'

    Guest 77

  • lucidentity

    I will answer that for you....later though as I am busy..but I promise I will

  • hillary_step

    Hello lucidentity,

    I join the others in welcoming you to the Board. You note:

    maybe the JW's are wrong on some things

    Yes, they are. The problem is that the things that they are wrong about have very, very dangerous consequences, and many have lost their lives due to them. This may sound shocking to you but you owe it to yourself to courageously examine the consequences of WTS policy where, blood transfusions, disfellowhipping, non-combatant issues etc are concerned. When basic doctrines like 1914 are disputed, even among the Governing Body themselves, then you must ask yourself why they perpetuate the myth of 'exclusivity', especially given that these issues drmatically impact the lives of millions.

    So you see lucidentity, most who come to the Board view themselves, not just as people who have left the Truth, but as survivors. As such a camaraderie develops between people here, and within that a desire to help those blighted by their past experiences as Jehovah's Witnesses .

    We are not monsters, though sometimes we do behave monstrously. Please do try to stick around for a while, I feel sure that you will learn very much about many things.

    Kindest regards - HS

  • larc

    lucidentity, I assume that you are relatively young. That would account for your excitement about the end times concept. I am relatively old, and have not been excited about that idea for a very long time. My wife and I faded away in 1962 after we got married. At that time I had two years of college. I went on to obtain several degrees and have had a interesting career. I am now retired. Let me ask you a question. How old are your grandparents? I bet they were born at least 40 years after this religion began. Now, that's a long time, and it is a long time since your grandparent's birth. As JanH pointed out, you need to put things in an historical perspective. A hundred years ago, the average life span in the U.S. was 47 years. Today, it is 67 years. This does not represent the destruction from famines, wars, and pestilence. Although there are areas of difficulty around the world, still, their has been a general trend of improvement almost everywhere. As JanH as pointed out very lucidly on other threads, the 14th century was a better fullfilment of the Bible than any century, but the end did not come. There is no reason to believe it will come any time soon.

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