by zev 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    here is where these notable quotes come from:


  • Sabine

    My father-in-law waited till he was 40 to marry. He took to heart the advise given at a district convention where one of the GB said it would be a waste to dedicate your life to "a hank of hair and a bag of bones". Real self esteem builder for the sisters!!

  • Sabine


    Was he a black brother? I had a McGee in the 80's in LA (he was so wacked). At the pioneer meeting he asked if there was anything we needed help with. I complained that the sisters always have to lead the meetings for service mid-week, and that we knew all the elders where retired or self employed. I asked why none of them could arrange their schedules so one of them could lead the group. He said "see, the brothers think the sisters are stupid, but they know when the brothers aren't caring for the flock properly." Boy was I popular with the elders after that comment.

    He also was disgusted with a toddler out in service that had a pacifier in his mouth. He said "when they are sucking on that thing...there's no brain waves." What a nut!!

  • garybuss
    Brothers, if you heard it, you did not hear it here.

    Circuit assembly after 1975 fiasco.

    Brother the machine is out of order. ( Attendant referring to a working vending machine at district assembly)

    Bismark, North Dakota, 1975

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    That Konjavich is a class A jerk. I saw a brother threaten to hit him with a rock once. Heard he got his wings clipped a little for his sarcastic, belittling attitude.

  • Bhagavad

    Re: Konjavich is a class A jerk:

    That was one of the things that helped drive me away. It's more important to the Society that a man be very good at organizational arse-worship and -kissing rather than excel in spiritual qualities. That's why they use so many abusive, sarcastic, unkind, belittling types in positions of responsibility.

    Edited by - Bhagavad on 21 June 2002 2:2:37

  • Reborn2002


    Yes, he was an African-American man. Probably around 5ft 8 in height, maybe 170 lbs. He had short, somewhat curly hair, and spoke with arrogance.

    Perhaps we are referring to the same individual.

  • betweenworlds

    Argh! Hey Lisa :) Yes I liked Joe Scaglione he's a good guy.

    I think my least favorite was Howard Stockham (spelling?) One time he was out in the field service with my sister in law and mother in law. At the time my sister in law was in her teens and in pretty rough shape. She had been diagnosed with manic depression and it was all she could do to be in the field service. Well brother Stockham made her go back home to change her skirt, because he thought it was inappropriate. It was a denim skirt that was WELL below knee length and looked perfectly fine. She broke down in tears :(

    The big jerk anyhow! ARGH


  • Grout

    I had Scaglione as DO in Tampa, Florida. Nice guy.

    I had Raftopolous as CO in Tampa; when he later retired from the travelling, he settled in Tampa. But while he was apparently talented (if heavy-handed) as a CO, he became a petty tyrant as an elder; he never considered himself "JUST ANOTHER ELDER". I know two elders personally, both of the relatively intelligent and principled kind, who ran afoul of Raftopolous and were elders no longer.

    Back on topic (almost): At North congregation in Tampa, several of the elders were way past old into decrepit. (I was one of three MS, btw; the other two were an invalid and a blind man, so I was busy!) One meeting, one of the really ELDER elders ad-libs that the pope's hat has written on it, among other things, the number 666!

    Really! The pope's hat! 666! I kid you not!

    A non-witness who was visiting audibly snorted and LEFT THE HALL at that moment.

    Ah, if only I'd followed him. *sigh*

  • zev

    my last c.o. was a pretentious and arrogant ( | )

    since i have left, i am having allot of trouble remembering names, even of people i knew for years.

    Hes no different, I cannot remember his name.

    But I cannot forget the ungrateful attitude of this man (dare I call him a man?, or should I call him a clone? )

    The cos are given, amongst other things.like a free ride, a laptop to do their reports to krooklyn.

    This clown had a problem with his laptop which required a reinstall of winblows 98.

    So one of the anointed elders asked me if I had a cd, and serial number, as these puppys are shipped I presume, without any disks to restore them or fix them.

    We all know there are 2 versions, and no one could tell me first or second.

    So I guessed, burn him the wrong version, and then Sunday at the kh, I was told about the version problem. Now Im standing with that elder and co. all Im trying to do is be apologetic because I goofed and burned the wrong version.

    This jerk takes his hankie and wipes an imaginary tear from my eyes like hes doing me a favour, and makes me feel like a complete @$$hole.

    I made sure when I gave him the right cd, I gave him a bum serial number and never answered my phone after that.

    This guy also had a hangup about the phrase all set. And HATED it whenever anyone said that.

    Guess what my new word wisker became J

    Yup, Im all set, dipf**K

    i wish i could remember his name. he originated from texas, and wieghed about 300 pounds. his wife looked like a man in drag, and had a scowl that woulda sent a starving dog off running to die alone.

    i know this isn't in my character to bash people like this, but dagnabit, he REALLY grated my nerves.

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