listening to my son play the guitar. he's really awesome. or watching south park or the simpsons with him, or trading 'maury povich guest' impressions with him. what a gas!
i turned my back yard into a bird and butterfly sanctuary, planting flowers to attract them, putting out seeds and water. i always smile when i see the little fledglings gambol about on the lawn, checking out the big world. or better yet, when a hummingbird comes to the feeder, or the occasional butterfly.
when my neighbors walk or drive by and we always smile and wave to each other, we all gathered around on june 10 and watched the solar eclipse. it was really cool.
making christmas cookies for my family, and seeing the smiles on their faces. i make little gingerbread men and make them look like south park characters :) in fact, i love christmas! all the presents and lights twinkling.
getting funny email from my friends
seeing my girfriend and just doing fun stuff with her. she works a lot, so when we finally get together, we act silly together.
watching all the seeds in my garden morph into seedlings and flowers and peppers and stuff.
star gazing with friends who live out in the sticks. they have huge telescopes and when you see saturn's rings, or jupiter it's wonderful. then we joke about aliens and stuff and eat nachos and just enjoy watching the kids play. it doesn't get any better than that
Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 17 June 2002 13:20:25