Sometimes I Am Ashamed

by Dutchie 205 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    CHILDREN may want to read SILENTLAMB issues and ACCIDENTALLY be exposed to something they are no prepared to absorb, raising curiosity and confusing them, unneccessarily.

    SIMON what is your reaction?

    What is the purpose of THIS forum? isn't it for jw/wt related issues?

    I have not read/seen the topic/pictures, not interested so far...

    I have not read all the post on THIS topic. Anyway by opinion is:

    But if it is a sexuallly oriented topic/pictures they should not be on the ACTIVE topic That kind of material should not even be on THIS FORUM at least not on this section.

    MIXING all kind of topics in the ACTIVE option is just confusing.


    We should have the option to SORT the topics in any way we want.

    It may be asking too much but

    SORT ALL topics

    by latest date/hour POST = ACTIVE,

    by "subject",

    by author

    SORT topics in a SELECTED section only, UN, SILENTLAMBS etc

    Lest get better searching options not just searching the SUBJECT field.


    Freedom of speech does not mean i should be forced or unspectedly listen/read/watch something i had no intention to listen/read/watch.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Oy! I can't believe I READ the whole thing!


    I didn't agree with everything you wrote in your first post, yet, I certainly believe you have a right to state it. One thing I have learned using the internet, email, and anything that is written, it comes across much stronger than if those same words were to be expressed verbally. It is oh so comforting when it's positive and loving. But, when it's not.....well, just something to keep in mind.

    I think that what is deemed appropriate for this forum will be debated until it's demise. Some only want JW "related" topics and some want an "anything goes" atmosphere. Ask 10 different posters and one will probably get 15 different opinions.

    I suppose my perspective comes from my own life experience. The Dubs I knew sometimes cussed and had their own hidden stash of porn. So, from my vantage point, the "boobie thread" wasn't shocking to me. I do understand why Simon locked it when he did. He wanted some sleep and who knows where the thing would have gone by the time he returned.

    I liked Marilyns first post to this thread. It reminds me of the Warner Bros Three Bears cartoon. The mother bear was always so concerned with their neighborhood image when her husband went on a tangent. She would exclaim "Oh Henry! What would the neighbors think?!" And so, many posters have the concern of what lurking JW's might think of this site. Well, I must concede some have probably been frightened off. Then again, if someone is truely seeking information, I think that Freeminds and Kents site would probably be more useful to them. Even then, IMHO, this discussion board has enough fine china on the table to please even the most descrimating JW, and if they are gonna nit pic because some of the silverware doesn't match, well, they probably won't like dinner anyway.

    And how true it is, Hilary, that ones moral outlook and circumstances can change drastically over the years.

    When I was in my late teens and early twenties I declared that I was going to forgo having children. I also happen to be very adament about it. I didn't want the loss of freedom. I didn't want the responsibilty, and I certainly did not want the stretch marks! I was to be a no nonsense career woman.

    Fast forward 20 or so years later. I have 2 kids. I have almost no freedom. I have tons of responsibilty. I am a (gulp) housewife. And yes! I have those too.

    With respect to everyone that has posted on this thread,


  • Solace

    I can honestly say that the thought has crossed my mind that J.W. lurkers might try to prove to themselves and others that we are "Worldly" "Pagan" or "Immoral" by the content of our posts here. As a metter of fact I think I may have said it myself once or twice in the past.

    Just w ondering though,

    Who is more immoral or unethical etc.?

    Us, for showing our behinds or cussing?


    The W.T.S. for ripping apart families, being the cause death of some of its own members by enforcing a contriversal blood doctrine, etc. etc. etc. I wont go on it would take me all night. I think you all get my point.

    Simon has a right to make rules. I respect his choices.

    People judging others and deciding if their behavior was "moral" or "immoral" is really annoying to me though.

    Personally, I dont think there is a difference between someone enjoying looking at naked pics and someone showing a naked pic. If you were there and you were enjoying yourself, you are in the same catagory as the posters and have no place judging them or thinking of yourself as more "virtuous".

    In case you are wondering Prisca, this comment is directed to you since you boasted about not posting your pic but claimed you enjoyed looking at the thread. It is also directed to all others who peeked and judged.

    Edited by - heaven on 16 June 2002 21:16:17

  • one


    Do you have any?

    Do you let them see/hear anything you talk/do with your bed partner?


    Where do you draw the line?


    This is YOUR board...

    If my memory serve my wel, H2O board had some specific stated objectives.

    Any activity or board should have an objective.\

    Will the Wall Street Journal, NY Times, London Times print anything even if you paid them?

  • Solace

    Good point ONE,

    I agree and I believe that Simon locked the thread because he was afraid of what was comming up next,,and not the previously posted pics, as he stated.

    I just wanted to also point out that I believe children should not be permited to surf the web unsupervised.

    The ironic thing is though, I would rather have my 10 year old daughter see a naked butt on the web than get involved in a religious discussion with complete strangers sharing their views. This is comming from someone whos grandfather is dead because he was a faithful J.W. and would not accept a blood transfusion during surgery.

    I personally have never heard of a naked butt being the cause of someones death.

    O.K. Now I dont want any wisecracks on the pastey bums either.

    Did I just just say cracks? sorry................

    Edited by - heaven on 16 June 2002 21:45:57

    Edited by - heaven on 16 June 2002 21:46:57

  • Sabine

    I posted a very serious, tragic thread yesterday on suicide. Know whats interesting to me...I had a topless picture in my profile box the whole time. Not one person mentioned it. I changed it this morning, before reading this thread. I purposely mentioned the congregation I attended, hoping the mucky mucks in Brooklyn would take notice and maybe investigate the local situation. I got to thinking they would probably take offense at my picture.

    I regularly attend a nude beach in Hawaii, and I have gotten so comfortable with nudity, I tend to forget that in our culture it is difficult for many to separate nudity from sexuality. It is so great to enjoy the sun and water without bathingsuits. People of all ages, sizes, colors, it's a beautiful thing. But I understand that sometimes to get your point across you have to be "all things to all people". It's a difficult balance, that's for sure.

  • Xena

    Well, well, well...ya'll HAVE been busy...I am with BeautifulG. I CAN'T BELIEVE I READ THE WHOLE DAMN THING!!!

    Dutchie you do have the right to express your opinion and you made some interesting points....I did feel you get a bit "judgy" there, but that changed somewhat (IMOP) later in the thread....

    Now a couple of thoughts just because I would hate to be the ONLY poster who hasn't posted on this thread...

    I thought the title of the thread pretty clearly indicated what you might find inside it...

    It WAS in the correct forum area......ADULT...that might be another clue....

    Would it put off JW lurkers? Maybe some of them...but honestly when I was a lurker I was turned off on a site because it had no life to it....I was looking for some REAL people...people like me....scary that I feel at home here, huh????

    The morality of it? Well my morals have certainly changed since leaving the borg.. ..I don't consider myself immoral....I don't judge myself or others by a strict set of rules anymore....If something is done between or among consenting adults (and when you clicked on an thread in the ADULT section with boobies in the title...well...) and isn't hurting anyone (there were no humans or animals hurt in the making of this thread)....then how can it really be considered immoral?

    But of course the bottom line is, was and will ALWAYS BE.....Simon Says

    Edited cause I messed up...duh huh??? And to say Hey to Sabine....BTW Tim was upset when he realized the pic wasn't of YOU!

    Edited by - Xena on 16 June 2002 22:36:20

  • Imbue

    Hmm... JanH teased me about being a fluff bimbo on this thread...LOL So, I want to make it clear that I'm not being a fluff bimbo here but I'm a naked PIC whore... I need PICs for the calendar of JWD hotties I'm making. Anyone that believes this is dumb as a rock so just send your naked PICS to me....

    [email protected]

  • SEAKEN2001

    Heaven, nice thoughts. But PLEASE stop using all italics in your posts. It makes it next to impossible to read.

    Everyone - I have a typesetting background but I'm sure I'm not the only one here who understands that things like bold, italics, underline, ALL CAPS, etc. are to be used only to emphasize certain words or phrases. How many of you buy a book off the shelf printed entirely in one of these type styles? Than why do you do it on the web? Text is meant to be read. Make it readable.

    End of rant.


  • terafera

    Sabine, I used to live in Hawaii and went to a nude beach there. They called it 'Donkey Beach'. Does this sound familiar? Lemme know....

    p.s. I respect and agree that swimming nude is a very freeing and relaxing experience.

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