JW's and drinking

by DanTheMan 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    God made wine and beer to make man's heart glad. We should drink in moderation. But what is moderate for one person may not be moderate for another. Five or six beers hardly phase some people. You guys just sound like a buncha fundies who suffer from repression when it comes to alcohol.

    Stop projecting.


  • FriendlyFellaAL

    I never saw any JWs drinking at a 'get together.' In retrospect I'm sure it was done, but was done discreetly enough so as not to draw any undue attention.

    I do remember one instance that got particularly ugly, though. At a Witness wedding reception held at a local hotel several of the brothers and sisters got more than a little plowed. Seems that the caterers were running behind with the food and it wasn't ready on schedule. The open bar was quite operational, though, and quite a few of the brothers got drunk as skunks showing quite a bit of a 'worldly' attitude. Not only were adults drinking, but I vividly recall seeing several underage kids with glasses in hand. This was probably twenty years ago and whenever the subject of moderation was brought up at the hall, the conductor always felt the need to bring up this incident as an example.


  • LizardSnot


    I think ...just like the Baptists...JW's dont tell other JW's that they drink.


  • Kaethra

    Hey Comforter - gotta say I agree with you. I'm sure some people here will disagree but, five or six beers over the course of a whole afternoon is nothing to be concerned about for me or for many of the people I know. I'm certainly not drunk after drinking 5 beer in five hours or so. Mind you, I wouldn't advocate driving at the end of such an afternoon.

  • Jim_TX


    You're right - I don't drink all that much. I also know my limits, too.

    I am talking about someone - my s-i-l - who I always saw, when we visited her - with a can of beer in her hand.

    I don't think that she ever thought about her 'limits'.

    Of course, a drunk person does not realize they're drunk either - adding to their feeling like they haven't reached their 'limit'.

    I just wish that she and her hubby had a system - you know - the 'designated driver'. For the sake of her youngster that neither she nor her 3rd hubby seemed to care about.

    Personally, I would NOT let my daughter go with them in their vehicle ANYWHERE!

    Oh - the 5 or 6 - that's all I happened to see them put away. Did you see that I mentioned that they had a whole ice chest full of beer? Not a small ice chest either... the kind that it takes 2 people to lug around.

    I can guarantee you - if these two got pulled over and given a breath-alyzer - they would fail - big time.

    I like wine - and will drink occassionally - in the privacy of my home - and when I know I am not going anywhere afterwards.

    (Hell, alcohol around here evaporates faster than I can drink it.)

    I ain't against drinkin... it's the lack of responsibility that folks use when they drink, that I am against.


    Jim TX

  • joannadandy

    Actually NO ONE in my hall drank.

    If you had a few people over and everyone had one beer, that was a pretty rare occasion...

  • eyegirl

    i don't know, i certainly had opportunities to drink (once i was of age, of course). i remember going to parties at ms & pioneers houses and partying like a rock star. got drenched with a few squirts from the margarita ball one night. sittin around the bonfire, melting our beer bottles. anyway, i still drink, like a fish on occassion--right joanna?? :P


  • hybridous

    I've seen both extremes at our Kingdom Hall:

    There was the dry gang - all the time, including wedding receptions.

    Then there was the wet gang - all the time, every time. Probably always consuming beyond what the average person would consider 'moderate' amounts, but these were relatives of 'heavy' elders and were never...EVER spoken to or counciled in any way.

    On another occasion, a few elder's sons almost got my brother and I arrested for supplying minors with alcohol. They had it, we didn't know it....then the cops came. We probably shoulda spent the night in jail....because of underage elder's kids. Certainly 'presiding over their household in a fine manner.'...or however that reads.

  • Marilyn

    I believe being a dub got me started. Like someone else said, it's the only thing thats allowed so it's abused. I have worked very hard to cut my daily habit right back to very occassionally. If I was still in the troof enjoying wt studies et al I'd be anesthetizing myself stupid by now.

  • RR

    lol ... I never met a JW who DIDN'T drink.

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