Apost8News: "Return to Jehovah" Official Literature Release Video - 2015 Convention Lowlight

by cappytan 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    And in my mind, I'm convinced it's because He knows when He's bringing the end. And the elders will tell you through Circuit Overseers and direction from the Faithful Slave, there's been a determined effort to reach out to the inactive in the past couple years. Well, frankly, it tells me Jehovah's urgent (sic) about this. It's serious business.

    Follows his comment about the nearness of the end.

    So, the FDS has been telling CO's and elders to make a strong effort to reactivate the inactive. The CO's and elders are reporting back that they have been making a determined effort.

    This means that Jehovah knows when He is bringing the end.

    This is WT speak at its best.

  • ron rawson
    ron rawson
    I think I puked a little; in the back of my throat there's a disgusting taste

    And in my mind, I'm convinced it's because He knows when He's bringing the end. And the elders will tell you through Circuit Overseers and direction from the Faithful Slave, there's been a determined effort to reach out to the inactive in the past couple years. Well, frankly, it tells me Jehovah's urgent (sic) about this. It's serious business......Anthony Morris

    Anthony Morris wrote the WBT$ Brochure..Him Writing it,tells him Jehovah is Serious??

    He`s an Idiot..

    He expects everyone to Dumb Down just for him..

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    "Its serious business" and that's what he knows, business. It took Jehovah (?) to motivate the CO's and elders to search out the inactive because they sure as hell wouldn't be any more motivated than this douche to do so without divine intervention. He has a voice and demeanor like a guy in a recliner in a wife-beater yelling, "Hey, get your man another beer!"
  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    Thank you very much for posting this. Also shared on JWR.

    This brochure will create more opportunities to preach TTATT! Maybe "Jehovah" really wrote it after all!!


  • cappytan
    @Designer Stubble: Thanks!
  • jookbeard
    well its all there, jeehovah has printed it himself! return to this evil , perverted , masochistic, blood thirsty God? no thanks ! , are many returning ? clearly not, their retention rates prove it.
  • Bonsai

    Sorry Anthony Putin. I must repent in sack cloth.You really helped me to see the error of my ways with this 30 minute gem. To think, I had left so that I could work more and be able to afford a big fat gold ring on my fat finger like yours, so that I could wear a 300$ suit like yours and live in a state of the art pension and travel all over the world like you do.

    What was I thinking? I'm hurting Jehovah. He wants me to support you so that you can live the high life ( after all, you are real, talking, walking royalty). We are just stupid, lost sheep who should know our place (in the field chewing on grass), while you are sipping martinis, yupping it up with your pinky ring buddies and being idolized by your 8 million adoring fans.

    That's it. I have seen the light! I'm going back to my nearest Kingdom hall right now! I'm going to stuff all my savings in the contribution box and see if I can make a "bid on heaven", too!

  • Oubliette

    Except "inactive" ones aren't going to see this because they won't be there!

    This is pure propaganda to make those that remain in the cult feel better about shunning the family members and former friends.

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