Apost8News: "Return to Jehovah" Official Literature Release Video - 2015 Convention Lowlight

by cappytan 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    What's that old English saying? "Actions speak louder than words."

    Simple, direct, humbling action would mean more than lovely words.

    Nothing's changed, folks. Nothing to hear or see here.

    Tone the Drone comes across like a cleverly abusive spouse who contacts his wife who had the courage to leave him and, in front of others, proclaims his ongoing love and entreats her to return because a lovely, warm home awaits her if she would simply see how much he loves her and wants her back. Surely she must sometimes think of the good times they had (it's called the honeymoon phase). Hey, he's that considerate he's even set out how she could return! As Tone the Drone said earlier in the video, "Everything's been covered!". Except the abuse.

    Yes, "everything" and nothing - nothing about addressing the actual reasons people left in the first place.

    A lovely, white-washed invitation that demonstrates how widespread the denial is in "Jehovah's" organization.

    JWs - how easily the talk about love - how seldom they follow it with action.

  • StrongHaiku

    JWs - how easily the talk about love, how seldom they show it in actions.

    Well said, steve2... Nicely put.

    On a side note, AM III looks, sounds, and acts like a cross between Dick Cheney and "The Penguin" from Batman.



    Apost8News: "Return to Jehovah" Official Literature Release Video - 2015 Convention Lowlight

    Why individuals should return to God....THE CHALLENGES OF RETURNING ........How To return..

    ...................Anthony Morris

    An announcement by Anthony Morris..

    About a letter Anthony Morris and his fellow WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Popes Wrote..

    Followed by 24 seconds of applause..


    Anthony Morris gives his Own Letter an Extremely Positive Review!..

    Anthony thinks Anthony,is a Great Guy....Thank you for that review Anthony..

    Now we know how wonderful you think you are..

    Too Bad about the InActive JW`s who Face Challenges..

    Trying to Win your Favour Back..


    .......................................................................There`s Dog Crap On The Bottom..

    ...........................................................................CLEAN THAT UP TOO!.....LOL!!

    Image result for Businessman grovelling..........Image result for Watchtower anthony morris

  • cappytan

    If y'all wish to stomach the full 30+ minute talk, here it is from wifibandit:


  • StrongHaiku

    A little bit after 7:10 into the broadcast it begins to sound like a weird diatribe regarding the "End of the System" and a creepy attempt at humor regarding his "heavenly hope".

    AM III: "We just don't know..." (He said it several times)

    With all due respect, then why in the world would we listen to you or take you seriously?

  • StrongHaiku

    So, the GB sat down, looked at their numbers and complaints, and decided that this strategy (Operation: "Kill More Trees")...

    1. ...would allow them to get access to cash and resources from people who have been away for a while. In other words, they may see "the sheep" that return as a desperately needed new source of revenue.

    2. ...would provide a gesture to satisfy some complaints from the JWs and other organizations on the shunning policy.

    Am I my being too cynical?

  • clarity

    Steve thanks for posting this......."Everything's been covered!". Except the abuse.

    Yes, "everything" and nothing - nothing about addressing the actual reasons people left in the first place.

    A lovely, white-washed invitation that demonstrates how widespread the denial is in "Jehovah's" organization.

    JWs - how easily the talk about love - how seldom they follow it with action. "

    Many times my mind gets stuck on their statements and critical thinking fails to show up .......... almost like my brain doesn't shift gears. Anyway thanks for those marvelous words......clarity

  • kairos

    I like the way the globe rotates the wrong way part of the time.
    Way to follow the example of the GB.

  • ctrwtf

    "Do you ever reminisce about the good times you had with Jehovah's people? An encouraging congregation meeting? Thrilling convention? A delightful experience in the ministry? Or, simply a pleasant conversation with a fellow believer?

    Uhhh..............No I don't

    I guess I'm hopeless

  • cappytan
    kairos: That's what I get for ripping the graphic off from some "free" site.

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