Our Second Un-Invitation Card

by ozziepost 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SweatPea

    Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie my heart goes out to both of you. Back in the 80's I heard that my brother was getting married. I looked the mail box everyday for an invitation. Never got one. The wedding date came and went. Later my niece told me that she was told that they (my brothers and sister) could not invite me. So I know your pain. Thumbs up for going anyway. Hope Mrs Ozzie is feeling better. :)

  • ozziepost

    G'day SusieB and welcome aboard! No shunning here! It's mainly a happy place and very supportive. So let's 'hear' more from you, as and when, you're able. Reading your experience underscores a remark I made at the beginning of this thread about wondering how many hundreds of thousands must have similar experiences to what you, and we, have seen. How much hurt, how much damaged lives and families. And all in the name of ......what? The standard response by a dub is that you have brought it on yourself. You made the decision, you did the wrong. But this clearly goes against the clear facts. It isn't you who's doing it, but THEM. The sad thing is that what is done can never be undone. You will never be able to go to your brother's wedding, it's in the past. Yet what has it achieved? Nothing, except bitterness and a broken relationship. This is a LOOOOOOONG way from the love of the Christ they claim to follow. Or do they? Thanks for posting. Mrs Ozzie's lost her voice, but she would say thanks for the get-well wishes.

    G'day Outnfree,

    Owyergoin? Thanks for posting. I think you're right in thinking that it goes against our daughter's nature to have to do what she's doing. We can see that she, and the others, are being controlled by others, being told what to do. Many weeks ago now, when we were visited by an elder from Bethel he seemed to take delight in informing us that "they" had the children and our children would be writing to us individually. "Had we heard from ********* yet?" were his words. With respect to the others of former friends who we saw yesterday, Mrs Ozzie saw at first hand yesterday how the Dubs are taught to hate. It's not just the matter of not associating, or sharing a greeting. It goes further than that. It's not reactive but proactive in their case. So "not sharing a greeting" becomes a turning of the back, a scowl on the faces, a manifestation of beligerance. Sadly that is what we would have done some years ago. But not now. How good to be free to worship God who gives 'undeserved kindness' in abundance, and not have to worry and fret over the rules, regulations and restrictions of a business corporation.

    Cheers to you with a whisky in hand! No cognac in the place!!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • zamzummim

    It's pains me to say that I used to shun my sister. I thought at the time that I was doing what was right. I missed the birth of my nephew but fortunately for me, my sister was there when I was ready to leave the "truth".

    Your daughter will soften as time goes by. She will eventually realize that family is too important.

  • blacksheep

    Unbelieveable. I applaud you. Obviously your love and care for your daughter allows you to see through the stupid ploys of a controlling religion. You're taking the high road, believe me.

    Let's just hope your obviously intelligent daughter uses some of those smarts, along with her accomplishment in achieving a degree to see through (if not now, eventually) the utter unforgivable wrongness of what the org dictates she do.

    Continue to stand tall and be proud.

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