My daughter called this am/after 3yrs

by DannyBear 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Hello Sis,

    Good to hear from you.

    Wondered how the visit with your niece turned out. Sounds like it had a positive outcome. Have you had any further contact with her?

    Even if not, it's so good to just get caught up on family members, how they are doing, who got married etc etc. I did not even know if my sister's were still in this realm. They are.

    I compare it to being isolated on a deserted island (df) you get very excited about finding a 'message in the bottle', no matter how small the tidbit is.

    Are you enjoying your continent swapping? I can now truthfully say I have a friend in the 'jet set'.

    Think of all my aussie friends often, I do have to rattle Lee's chain one of these days soon...that guy really takes this 'outback' stuff to seriously. If you happen to see him, tell him to give me a shout..I miss the ornery cuss.

    Thanks for the shout Marilyn, regards to your good hubby.


  • teejay

    Good news, Dan!!

    You got mail.

  • larc


    My heart goes out to you. I am very happy for you.

    With my own sister, it took 15 years before we really talked again, but that is a story for another day and time.

    Bless you, and may it bring you closer and closer.

  • think41self

    That's me doing the happy dance for you Danny. Your plan sounds great...I can imagine how happy you must be. Hey, take any little bit of good you can get, right?


    This side of Eden, whether we realize it or not, we feel the stain on our souls, and at every opportunity, we try to scrub it away with steel-wool guilt.

  • teejay

    Btw, Dan,

    I spent the holiday weekend with relatives. Close relatives. Brothers, sisters, mother, aunt and uncle – people I care most about in all the world. Some are still JW, most aren’t.

    Would you believe that JW-ness and all of its attachments never—not once—came up? And we were together constantly from early Saturday till mid-Monday (imagine middle-agers jumping rope, doing the limbo and hula-hooping!—god, that was funny, and fun.)

    Like Seinfeld’s show taught, talking about nothing can be absolutely golden. Personally, I’m no longer out to convince anyone of anything. I just want my loved ones to be happy, living whatever life they want to live, so long as they are happy that I’m doing the same. (“Live and let live” – what a concept!!)

    I read this same message, heard it over and over, as I read through this thread:

    “Forget about the JW bullshit for a minute and just enjoy your peeps.”

    As usual, Danny, you come up with the most heartfelt threads, threads that make me stop and think and re-evaluate, and ya know... that’s why I’m here.


  • Prisca


    I'm soooo happy for you. I hope this is the first of more calls and visits.

  • DannyBear

    I never knew I had so many friends on this board. Alright so it's my turn to gloat a little, ok?


    Thought you had df'd me or somthin ;). I missed you around here.
    Yes a little limbo-hula hooping would be good for anyone. I do get what you were saying.

    Hell my man we all start getting positive relationships with our families, we won't feel like trashing the dildo's anymore. Farkel can handel it for us!!!

    Havnt read my email yet..


    You have big heart you ole codger...I can say that you know, cause Iam one to.

    Thanks for your heartfelt expression larc.


    You lovely piece of work...tell Doug he is a lucky man. Those pictures you sent were great....handsome people down there in the everglades.

    How does a loverly floridian do the HAPPY DANCE anyway? :)


    Back at ya. Been hugging myself alot today. Hugs from Austrailia are good to have. Think you pass some bear hugs along to Lee for me?
    I love the bastard like a brother.

    So nice to be quiet of spirit, no fighting going on. This place has returned to it's former glory!

    Love you all.

  • teejay

    So nice to be quiet of spirit, no fighting going on. This place has returned to it's former glory!

    Amen and a double amen.

  • Marilyn

    :::::::::Are you enjoying your continent swapping? I can now truthfully say I have a friend in the 'jet set'.

    Danny, Continent swapping sucks! It's a cold winters nite here in Melbourne and I've only got a hot water bottle to keep me warm!! Life is too short to be separated from the ones you love - especially the ones who love you back!! No I've not seen my niece again, but she probably thinks in 'hovah's time span!!! And besides, what's the hurry when your've got forever?

    Great to see you here and hope your daughter keeps calling her wonderful dad!


  • Room 215
    Room 215


    Apart from the personal happiness this experience has brought you, it's welcome because it's just another bit of anecdotal evidence that the rank-and-file JWs, chafing under the rigidity of JW legalism and self-righteousness are struggling to assert their right to privacy, individuality and self-determination in small individual acts of ``benign neglect'' as they grope for a personal ``comfort zone.''

    Even if few will acknowledge it in words, there's a perceptible grass-roots movement in attitude and action that JWs are ignoring what they rightly perceived to be intrusions of needless JW strictures in the non-spiritual aspects of everyday life; i.e. education, participation in sports and hobbies; community involvement, vacations and even innouucous holidays like Thanksgiving, Morther and Fathers Days, etc., etc.

    Much of this would have been unthinkable just ten years ago. It still is by some, maybe most; but the trend is wholesome, dynamic and growing nonethless.

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