My daughter called this am/after 3yrs

by DannyBear 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Your approach is IMHO the only approach there is.

    If she wants to discuss the JWs, she'll bring it up.

    And congrats!


  • BeautifulGarbage


    Good news, indeed!

    Thanks for sharing it.


  • Simon

    Fantastic news ... I can imagine how happy you must feel !

  • detective

    Guess what?!? I just got a message from my JW friend. He wants to meet tonight! This is out of the ordinary! He's hasn't initiated conversation with me in months though we've been in the same places together several times over (it was very, very strained!)

    I'm so happy. And a little sad and afraid too. Mostly very, very happy, though.

    What's going on? Why now?

  • DannyBear

    Hmmm, Alan, Sherry (lilacs), Orangefatcat, Dave (Seven006), Marilyn (Mulan), SUSCARRA, Francois, BeautifulGarbage (Andee), Simon (Caliban):),

    I swear you guys really do understand. The average joe would think this a crazy thread. In other words to a nonjw getting a call from your daughter is no earth moving event. Yet we know different eh?

    The emails have been flurrying back and forth. Iam so glad I was home to take the initial call.

    Anyway all of you just added to my feelings of euphoria today. The pure simple happiness of sharing a rare moment with you beautiful people is just grand. Period.

    Ps detective, I think we share similar joy today, good for your friend!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Always the last to post(!)as ever,due to the times I can get online...But just wanted to say how happy that made me for you all; Danny and daughter,Detective and friend XXX GOOD LUCK

  • ashitaka

    That's really sweet, very nice to hear. We need more good news like that. You're right to stay away from the JW stuff. Just you showing that you love her could be enough for her to see that you are true family to her.


  • COMF

    Hot dawg! I'm happy for you, DanMan. The approach you describe is the same one I use when I'm with my son who is an active and zealous witness. The two times the subject came up, the conversation heated immediately and we were on the verge of having a bad argument, when I forced myself to shut up about it. Since then, I take pains to avoid discussing the religion, even if he brings it up. It's a struggle, but it keeps peace between us, and that's the most important thing.


    Ah, Love! could you and I with Him conspire
    To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
    Would not we shatter it to bits--and then
    Re-mould it nearer to the heart's desire!

  • DannyBear

    Thanks termite.

    Ashi I know you are going through your own family issues.

    Comf, I remember your various comments over the years regarding your jw son.

    Previous contact with my daughter was strained, mainly because I reacted foolishly to comments regarding her jw activity. Thought I had lost any hope of a relationship.

    Iam sad that it took 3yrs, but I will not make the same mistakes again. Life is to short.

    Appreciate having other's ratify my intent.


  • Marilyn

    Danny, Where have you been? I have missed you! I know how thrilled you must be to hear from your daughter. Very wise to leave the dub stuff alone. She may work it out on her own faster than you telling her about it. I had an unexpected visit from a niece in the troof last year and there was nooooooooo way I was going to mention dub stuff. I was just so excited to be spending time with her, studying her face and mannerisms for familial resemblence. Unreal! It might be crumbs at the table, but it's better than the nothing I'm accustomed to.

    hope you are going to hang around a while!

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