Michael Brown verdict discussion policy

by Simon 254 Replies latest forum announcements

  • AlphaMan

    It is an issue about law enforcement in the US and the lack of accountability. Cops can (and do) get away with "murder".


    And if a cop isn't indicted on killing an unarmed suspect, what things do you think might bring an indictment?


    How is a law enforcement officer using lethal force against a huge man who attacked them, and tried to take their gun away murder? Officer Wilson did not know if Michael Brown had any weapons on him. 6-4 292 Thug Brown was only unarmed because 5-7 170 Officer Wilson prevented him from taking his gun away from him. After being dazed from being repeatedly sucker punched, and 2 shots being fired in the police SUV from a struggle over the gun...if you survive this initial surprise attack you shoot to kill that thug SOB before he overpowers you and kills you.

    Let's review the events leading to the incident to see who the actual criminal thug was.

    Officer Wilson had no trouble or complains in his police background, and was called into the neighborhood to help a baby in distress. Wilson was merely working his job serving the community as a law enforcement officer.

    Brown on the other hand previous to the incident had an illegal substance in his system, committed a strong armed robbery theft & physical assault on a store clerk that was caught on video, was jaywalking in the middle of the street, refused to obey direction from a police officer to get out of the middle of the street, feloniously attacked and was striking a police officer, feloniously attempted to murder the police officer when 2 shots went off as Brown tried to take the officer's gun away from him, and resisted arrest when he charged the officer.

    Wilson will not be indicted.

  • designs

    I don't know how or when the Congressional lines were redrawn I didn't receive any notices and I am signed up with my congressman ( or I was until I saw that I got a new congressman).

    Yes this process swings both ways and is abused by both Parties.

    The Faulkner book dealt with the small town politics, how a few families with wealth can control things.

  • Simon

    the small town politics, how a few families with wealth can control things.

    I think that is liiving in the past. Sure, people with weath can influence a great deal but there is something seriously wrong somewhere if 80-90% of the community claim that the elected local council don't represent them but only 12% turn out to vote.

    This is where I believe the message that "the system is against you" is self-fulfilling. If you don't vote them the system will certainly not represent you but it is not the system's fault - you had the chance to have a say but passed on the opportunity that others faught and died for. The leaders could quite easily be reminding people of the importance of voting and having an interest in how the local town is run. Why don't they? If they do, then are people too lazy to bother? It's local elections in a town with a population of about 20k people - there can't be that far to travel to vote!

    Where is the failure? I find it hard to believe that the electoral system is rigged to make up such odds and that no one then protested about it.

    So what are we left with? The only explanation is that people simply don't want to step up and take responsibility and prefer to claim victimization and unfairmess where there is no evidence of it existing.

    As an observer, I then see the exact same type of claims being made about policing and see the same lack of engagement and involvement by the community and it's hard not to interpret things in the same way - that they are unfounded claims with little to really support them (but suit an agenda that others have).

    What am I missing if you think I'm missing something?

  • Simon

    Wilson will not be indicted.

    I agree, this seems like it would be the most likely and correct verdict based on the evidence available so far if that evidence is genuine.

    Several (african american) witnesses have apparently given testimony that supports officer wilson's version of events as does the forensic evidence so far. Their safety should be considered - if they are too afraid to say it to the media then giving their testimony and names to an angry crowd is not going to be a wise move.

    The 'eyewitness' testimony of his friend, apart from already changing because of the forensice evidence, has some problems if you think about it:

    What was he doing while all this was going on? A cop and his friend are struggling by / in the car and shots are fired. Is he just standing there or is he running? If he's running then how does he see what's happening behind him? Are we to believe that a 300lb MB out-ran him such that he had time to see him turn and surrender and be shot? Are we to believe that they both surrendered and the officer decided to 'execute' one of them but just leave the other as a witness?

    I find the story doesn't make sense the more you try and piece together a possible sequence of events.

  • sammielee24

    Dis-enfranchisement has become the catch word for this. The Game Is Rigged is another way many look at our systems of governance.


    Violence, poverty, prejudice, frustration, oppression and suppression - it's everywhere.

    • Ferguson, Missouri -
      Males had a median income of $34,710 versus $32,649 for females. The per capita income for the city was $20,524. About 10.2% of families and 17.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 23.2% of those under age 18 and 13.6% of those age 65 or over. (same fig on citydata.)


      • 50% of the counties in Central Appalachiahave only one hospital and about 1 in 5 do not have a hospital at all
      • On average, 20% of the people in the region live below the poverty line (the current national poverty rate for a family of four is $20,650 a year, i.e. $1,720 a month)
      • The first shipment of coal out of Central Appalachia was in 1892 from Dickenson County, in Southwest Virginia; today one coal company owns approximately 40% of the land and between 60%-80% of all of the mineral rights in the county
      • 80% of all Central Appalachian counties are rural, and over half of the region's population lives in these rural counties
      • Extraction abuses by the coal industry, especially through mountain top removal, has destroyed more than 1,000,000 acres of forests, 500 mountains, and buried over 1,000 miles of streams in the Appalachian region
      • Kentucky ranks 50th in the Nation for the number of adults who cannot read
      • In Eastern Kentucky, where 60% of counties are consistently poor, the A.T. Massey company operated coal mines through 18 subsidiaries, and reported an operating profit in 2000 of $147 million with revenues of $1.1 billion
      • Remote parts of Southwest Virginia are now sites of many prisons, Red Onion and Wallens Ridge - both super maximum security prisons; inmates are shipped here from across the nation and from as far away as Hawaii and urban cities in the Northeast
      • In Hancock County, Tennessee the average income for a family of 4 is $14,000 a year, which is 47% of the national figure
      • 1/3 of all of West Virginia's children are born into poverty
      • In Logan County, West Virginia 40% of residents do not have safe drinking water
      • Appalachian culture and people are consistently misrepresented in media with programming such as The Beverly Hillbillies, Lil Abner & Daisy Mae, "Appalachian Emergency Room" and Deliverance
  • designs

    And to think cousin Mitch McConnell, Paul Rand and Lamar Alexander have represented these folks for how many decades....

  • AlphaMan

    Are we to believe that they both surrendered and the officer decided to 'execute' one of them but just leave the other as a witness?


    Excellent point. What kind of white racist killer cop goes into a black neighborhood in broad daylight to help a baby in distress, then decides on the way out that he will harass 2 black men walking in the middle of the street with the intent to openly execute the biggest of them, but leave the other as a witness to the incident?

    What's the background of Dorian Johnson the key witness? He has a criminal background, and a background history of filing a false polce report.

    I cannot believe this incident has turned into a national story with rioting, looting & burning based on the farse lie of Hands Up, Don't Shoot.

    The dead perp was a thug who was even caught in thuggery on video just minutes before trying to thug on Officer Wilson.

    The key witness is a lying thug criminal.

    Baby Momma was involved in gang violence thuggery after the inncident.

    Many of the protesters are involved in acts of thuggery.

  • sammielee24

    And to think cousin Mitch McConnell, Paul Rand and Lamar Alexander have represented these folks for how many decades.


    posted to highlight that poverty, unemployment, frustration and feelings of disenfranchisment do not necessarily lead to looting and rioting and threats and destruction of your own community.

  • designs

    AM Kool G- you sound like the old man telling kids to- ' get off my lawn and turn that crap music down'....

    You're just the Thuggest dude...

  • Simon

    Since when does *not* wanting people to trash your property and be anti-social make someone 'thuggish'?

    This is the problem with *some* society today - rude and inconsiderate behavior and people taking no pride in their home and neighborhood glorified and promoted as 'normal'.

    Too many little punks being created and brought up with the belief that might is right and violence is acceptable (see topic about hitting children as 'discipline')

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