Michael Brown verdict discussion policy

by Simon 254 Replies latest forum announcements

  • DesirousOfChange


    DESIGNS: The President has also strongly supported the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the My Brother's Keeper program. Eric Holder also made a personal trip to speak to the Police Department personnel and the people of Ferguson.


    ALL TALK -- NO CHANGE. (That word is kinda ironic, isn't it.)

    No change to prevent a repeat in the future.

    No change to make cops accountable to someone (besides other cops).


  • Simon

    No change to make people consider who to vote for in elections or to show some respect.

  • Simon

    Fisherman: final warning - read the OP.

    Of course the officer approached him, it was his responsibility as well as his right. To claim that makes him guilty of what happened or the aggressor is disingenuous. Telling someone not to walk down the middle of the street is more for their safety than anyone else's.

    Read the OP if you want to continue to take part in this discussion.

  • Fisherman

    My apology Simon. It was not my intention to disobey the rules

  • Fisherman

    Simon, I meant no disrespect. All that I am saying as I have posted is that although the officer acted legally and that is going to be the the basis for his acquital. The same report that says that MB was walking in the middle of the street also says (as far as I know) that the officer was very aggresive when he first aprocahed MB. Again, if you knidly read my post, I stated that the officer acted legally that he does not have to enforce the law ith "rubber gloves." I agree with what you say, however, I also added that officer had other options and that is what I meant to explain. Simon, I never claimed that makes him guilty. What do you think?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Instead of giving cops tanks and other surplus military equipment, give them body cameras.

    In fact MANDATE body cameras.

    Further, establish a licensing program for cops including a nationwide database to track "bad cops" (just like they do for school bus drivers).This would prevent the common practice where "bad cops" are allowed (by other cops) to simply resign when in trouble and move to any nearby (or far away) jurisdiction to be hired again.


  • TheSilence

    What is this "same report" that says the officer was very aggressive when he approached Michael?

  • Fisherman

    Just type his name on the net and you will read what both sides agree upon.

  • designs

    No changes for the future? Changes to how humans act? That is going to be a long road. The Scandinavian countries began a process after WWII to change and look how far they have come in 70 years. We can to.

  • TheSilence

    A reference would be helpful. I have looked up both his name and his name with the word aggressive. All I find is that Dorian Johnson says officer Wilson opened his door aggressively. I'm leaving to pick up my grandparents so if you cite an article and I don't thank you for it right away I'm not ignoring you, just gone for the day.

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