"It's the intent that counts and not the result."

by donny 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donny

    Here you go pronomono.

    "The year 1925 is a date definitely and clearly marked in Scriptures , even more clearly than that of 1914;…" Watchtower 1924 Jul 15 p.211

    Here is a whole page deidcated to 1925.


  • pronomono

    Thanks, Donny. I've been to that page plenty of times over the past year but with information overload, I'd forgotten about it. I need to go back through JWFacts again now that I've had time to digest the information some.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    You know....that's what they said about the Chinese Cultural Revolution

  • Spectre

    So they can ruin peoples lives, deny people a good education and a bunch of other crap because some old farts have "good intentions"? Ok, got it.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    JW: Ray the point is that at least the Witnesses were trying to keep alert and stay on the watch versus being asleep at the wheel like the rest of the churches. In other words Ray it's the intent that counts and not the result.

    If you were on a 8 day cruise and the captain kept announcing: " Attention Passengers, we're sinking go to the bow of the ship....no wait,go to the stern.....no go to the starboard...no, the port side...never mind, apparently the ship isn't sinking just yet but it probably will be in a few hours " The Passengers would be scrambling around at first but would end up frustrated, confused and possibly dead if and when it eventually happened.

    Is the Captains intent to keep his passengers alert and on their toes the most important thing here or is accurate information from the person claiming to be an authority and who is in charge, what really counts?

  • jeremiah18:5-10

    I personally feel the most brilliant thing you did was how you responded to the question, "are you an apostate?". Your response, " what's that?" Seemingly disarmed the jw and may enable them to justify research. Well done!!

  • donny

    jeremiah, I have learned over the years to avoid their conversation stoppers such as "Are you an apostate?" I once believed much of what they taught but I never bought into the idea that because someone had issues with the teachings, they were automatically "evil" and not worthy of consideration.

    I had the mindset that "If we have the truth, it should stand up to any scutiny" and eventually that mindset eventually proved that the JW Org had little to nothing to back it up as the one true faith. I am so glad that I left that organization and I hope that the exodus continies to increase.

  • wallsofjericho

    Very good job

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