Nov 2014 KM - a text message counts as a return visit!

by EndofMysteries 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3rdgen

    OneEyedJoe, I am still lmao at the guy who sent out his time to everyone in the group text. PRICELESS!!!

  • MissFit

    Shirley: what difference does it make to us- *the ones who already know it is a futile endeavor*if the methods are ineffective. We are not doing it. We know lives are not at stake.

    yes many go out for show, what choice do they have if they want to keep their positions and support what they think is the "truth"

    I respect that alot more than faders or ones who know it is futile still go out and "pretend "to knock ect. They are doing it for show also.

    I just think those who refuse to participate should not criticize or be derisive of ones actually out there trying.

    The org. Methods might be inefficient, but isn't that a good thing?

    edit to add: hopefully sincere ones will wake up when they do realize how ineffective these methods are.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Shirley: what difference does it make to us- *the ones who already know it is a futile endeavor*if the methods are ineffective. We are not doing it. We know lives are not at stake.

    The effectiveness of the methods, or lack thereof, is not the issue. The point is, JWs are trapped in a system of man-made rules that enslave them to a schedule and lifestyle they may not necessarily agree with but abide by under compulsion/duress in order to comply with the demands of their leaders. While lives are not at stake, as you correctly pointed out, lives are being wasted. And, many here still have family and close friends in the WT Org, and it is painful to watch them waste their lives in futile endeavors.

    It makes me livid to watch my still-in family members donate money they cannot afford to donate, and spend what little time and energy they have serving WT's interests, not their own. They put health, dreams and happiness aside because they have been convinced by WT that that is what God requires them to do. That's why I care.

    It is bad enough that WT demands people's vital energy and lives...but made so much worse that the same energy and life is being spent on increasingly absurd levels of ineffective triviality and "busy work".

    what choice do they have

    You said it. When a person no longer has a choice, then they are a slave. I, for one, am not a fan of slavery. That's my answer to your query, "what difference does it make to us?"

  • MissFit

    Shirley: Thank you for explaining your reasoning so clearly and eloquently.

    I see where you are coming from.

    I am sorry about the pain you feel for your family.

    I can see how deeply you care about your family. It is so hard to free someone who does not even know they are enslaved.

    I have a feeling that maybe your family feels the same way watching you live your life. Most JWs think any one not serving the borg is wasting their life.

    The sad part is that we used to think the same way until we learned everything we worked for was a lie.

    Some people would rather live a lie.

    Your family are so fortunate to have you care so about them. I can understand now how feeling helpless to free your family can cause anger and resentment towards the org.

    so vent away...


  • berrygerry

    you can now send a text message in your PJ's while watching tv at home and still get your time in!

    I don't wear PJ's

  • berrygerry

    Apparently you can send texts to yourself. You can now count time and bring yourself back into the organization. Bizarre.

    Have you known any JW's with multiple personalities (I have)?

    They can be Special Pioneers.

  • krejames

    I don't think this is anything new at least not for pioneers. Text messages have been counted as return visits for years.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Shirley: Thank you for explaining your reasoning so clearly and eloquently.

    You are welcome

  • MissFit

    Krejames: now it is a GB approved practice. I know when I was out "in service" the sisters would call their bible studys to see if they were home and to confirm the time. I guess texting was the next logical step.

    I went to a conference for my job. One of the speakers talked about the different ways different generations of employees work and how they were influenced by the technology they grew up with.

    They compared the 0nes born around 1945/ the Traditionalists, the Baby Boomers ( 60s generation), Gen.x (80s) and the Millennial ( 2000 ).

    I think the Society is trying to keep up with the times and include ways to keep the younger generations of JW engaged in the ministry. They probably have the same research as other businesses.

  • Oubliette

    I'm waiting for the KM that says, "Just thinking about an RV counts as one!"

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