Nov 2014 KM - a text message counts as a return visit!

by EndofMysteries 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MissFit

    I personally do not begrudge the JWs publishers having an easier time in the "ministry". Most believe in what they are doing and want to feel like they are accomplishing something.

    I would rather send a text or call someone than spend my gas and wasting 2 hours while a car group makes four calls.

    Most of us here have choosesn not to participate in that activity but some here continue to criticize and ridicule those who do. It has been mentioned how ineffective and inefficient the door to door work is , but there is criticism when the org. Tries new methods.

    I dont think the rank and file publishers need to be viewed with contempt or ridicule.

    They are just doing their jobs the bestb way they know how.


    *edited to remove broad generalization such as "many, &most"

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Most believe in what they are doing and want to feel like they are accomplishing something.

    I've seen much different. I've listened to many JWs, incl. elders, piss and moan about how much they "hate" going out in field service, but they do it anyway because they have to. Then when they do go out it's superficial at best. It had nothing to do with actually accomplishing something and everything to do about making a good show.

    It has been mentioned how ineffective and inefficient the door to door work is , but there is criticism when the org. Tries new methods.

    So replacing one ineffective method with an equally ineffective method is an improvement?

    I dont think the rank and file publishers need to be viewed with contempt or ridicule.

    WT is being ridiculed, not individual JWs. JWs don't decide how or what official methods they are to use in the ministry, WT does. The new text method was published in the wasn't an idea thrown out there by JWs and adopted as a great idea.

    As some active JWs here have already indicated, they like this text witnessing because it's just an easier way to "get time in". They haven't applauded it because it's actually effective. WT's "new" methods are appealing to superficial JWs because it trains JWs to be superficial. Busy, go nowhere activity has become the standard for JWs. If given the choice, I firmly believe a large percentage (80%) would simply quit going out in servive cold turkey if WT made it optional.

  • WTWizard

    Well, then why waste the money going to Israel when the congregation reads that letter? Do you really need to waste the time scrambling for plane tickets and accommodations, waste the money and time packing and going through the cancer scanners and gropings, fly to Tel Aviv, make the trip by car (the drivers there are terrible--worse than most elsewhere) to wherever you are assigned (Jerusalem, the home of the highest ranking rabbis at that), and spend 2 weeks doing that? If they are online, the whole mission could be accomplished simply by sending spam (which will probably be treated as spam) to random Israelites.

    Bonus: There is no risk that way of a high ranking rabbi using your waste of paper against you. They take those things, and may even act interested. Then, when you are gone, they use it as a link to drain your spiritual energy. From that point on, everything you do that may raise energy is harvested and used by those rabbis to use black magick against the whole human race. You go to the Kingdumb Hell, sing a song, they harvest that. You hear a favorite song, they harvest the energy from that. Every little pleasure and every time you do any meditation (such as when trying to solve a problem), the energy is harvested by that rabbi using that link, and all the high rabbis use such energy to use black magick against the whole human race. All the while, the hounders hail joke-hova that you got through to that high ranking rabbi and should return on another wasteful mission another time. That is impossible with a text message or spam e-mail.

  • punkofnice

    Yes...but do not forward non essential emails because that means satan has hold of you according to that bizarre watchtower the other year.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I have not read the thread.( time does not permit)

    But for the eldely this is a very loving message.

    Now in England and the selling of kingdom halls, getting to meetings may become difficult.

    But dont worry you have recordings of the meetings, to listen too. ( we care)

  • StarTrekAngel

    How long before the WT gets sued to harrasement? I mean, does it sound too crazy to think that, while chances are no one will give his number to a stranger knocking the door, eventually a crazy pioneer may spam his potential convert with text messages or emails?

  • truthseeker

    It wouldn't surprise me if shepherding visits were now done using text messages...

    "we love u"

    "we missed u"

    "the friends really miss u at the hall"

    "can u text me your field service report"


  • OneEyedJoe

    "can u text me your field service report"

    I've gotten that one. The funny thing is that the elder sent it as a group text and I guess one moron doesn't understand how group texts work and he texted everyone his service report. I don't know who it was, but it was during one of the many tract campaign months and his report was: "12 hours, 15 tracts"

    Clearly it was a productive month in the ministry...I mean jesus christ, we're told to leave them if no one is home, so he's hitting like 2 houses an hour, tops and that's assuming that nearly half the houses are home and refuse to take the tract!

  • Vidiot

    redvip2000 - "Being a JW these days is actually not all that hard anymore."

    Not quite.

    Being a hard-core loyalist JW is not all that hard; these days, they're giving them all kinds of incentives to stay affilliated.

    However, I think a pretty strong case could be made that inactive, fading, or fence-sitting JWs are finding it harder and harder, simply by virtue of how weird, controlling, and just plain intolerable it's becoming.

  • MissFit

    Truth seeker: it already happened. For almost a year I have been getting a text message from an elder every Sunday after a meeting.

    The text does not name me personally, just:

    "We missed you sister. At today's meeting so&so gave a great talk about blah blah, our study article dealt with the latest new lite."

    And then no signature. I didnt know who was sending it. ( I think it might have been a mass text to absentees)

    lately I have not gotten any. Maybe he gave up.

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