Find What Your Social Status Was in the Congregation

by Mary 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    We were in the #1 group for years.

    Quite rapidly slid to #8.

    No regrets.


    The greatest revenge is to live a happy and successful life!

  • flipper

    MARY- Great thread. I was basically a # 8 for the 44 years from birth until age 44 when I left I was always an independent thinker . Which did NOT set well in my JW family because my dad was a long time elder since the 1950's and my older brother was at Bethel for 8 years- so the JW pedigree was being set up for me and in time I saw through the BS and spit on attaining ANY position of elder in the organization. Which didn't set well with my dad OR my fanatic JW ex-wife who I was married to for 19 years until 1998. I've just never been the kind of person who brown noses anybody to attain position. One reason I could never fit into the JW political scheme of things. I often told my older JW dad over the years that I never would have lasted as an elder because within a few months I would have been calling out my fellow elders for unjust treatment of people in the congregation- then I'd get deleted for speaking my mind. I'm glad I'm out- love my freedom of mind ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    Mary, this is an interesting summary of the "social order of things" in the typical Witness congregation, but it got me thinking that there are social status standings above the "Top of the heap" you mention, that is, once you leave the actual congregation itself.

    For example, circuit, district, branch and zone overseers. Also missionaries, Bethelites and of course the Governing Body.

    When I was at Bethel, I once heard a guy there say he came to Bethel because he hoped it would eventually lead to his being a missionary. Well, Brother Sydlik heard his comment and was incensed by it. He told that guy, "Brother, there is no higher form of service in Jehovah's organization than Bethel, unless you are anointed and then die and go to heaven!"

    So, because of that comment, while I was there I considered myself at the very top of the social status in Jehovah's organization. Period. After all, Brother Sydlik said so, and he was Governing Body.

    No wonder my crash was so great when I left Bethel to go to college. I went from that so-called highest of highs, to your #8, the lowest of the lows.

    Brock Talon

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I must be a #9. I don't give a hoot about status and I'm in the congregation for one reason only: to serve Jehovah.

  • Quarterback

    It's a fictitious questionaire, Watcher, but it can be embellished

  • crazyblondeb

    My family growing up was part of the rank and file. My stepdad became a ms, but had to step down because he couldnt "control" his family. I knew in high school that it was a cult I wanted no part of. My mom was so depressed, she rarely came out of her room, leaving me to care for 4 younger siblings.

    I was the one that made the elders work for their titles! I was constantly called into elder's meetings for any and everything!!

  • HeyThere

    Interesting thread. I was only attending regularly for about a year. My husband and I must have left a good impression because elders were offering up their wives to study with me, and my husband had a few studies with an elder. My husband is buddies with the elders even though I don't attend anymore. When I did, I was invited to dinners, lunch, etc. But didn't realize right away they were the elders wives etc. Oh, this just reminded me, one of the elders wives told me i was sexy lol. But I am a solid 8 now. As soon as I started asking questions that showed my independent spirit and education the calls stopped.

    I have almost gone to a meeting out of see if I am shunned. If they shun me my husband may react, but if they don't he will try to get me to keep going.

  • ohnightdivine

    7 and 8

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I attained a status of 1.5, never made PO/COBOE. I did make secretary, was a single elder, pioneer MTS grad, but had to fight for every bit of so-called privileges I got. Trust me when I say that I had elders fighting my upward climb at every turn. Apparently, I didn't know my place. LOL.

    Eventually, the local elduhs didn't like one of their own going to college. After they deleted me as being "unreasonable," I changed congos, quickly faded, and have been off their radar, mostly, since 2007. Guess that makes me a zero.


  • Bugbear

    I guess I have been both 1 and 2 moving to 8. I was always dubious, what I was told to say as TM, and the instructions that was given to me when I had a speech at an assembly hall. Sometimes I felt that the CO/BO could see my doubts about some issues. Before I become Nr. 8 I resigned as an elder and did just “symbolic” service. After University and “accurate knowledge” “there was a “burning fire” inside me, and now my old friend doesn’t dare to see me again. If they start to talk the truth and try to help me back, for old times’ sake, I have some few Philosophical questions, that I drop to them and ask them to think them over and give me their personal answer, when they come back. (They never come back.) Here are a few questions I have used:

    1./ It is good that the Soc. Ended the theory of HELL, but why do they reinstall that hell in Armageddon again?

    2./ How come that humans situations as by far better, of when humanity killed GOD´s one borne son on a cross (or whatever) and humiliated him?

    3./ How can you love a father a God that over and over again kills his children, in a flood, with bacteria’s, with violent army’s, a.s.f.?

    4./ How can you believe that an ancient book written over 2000 ago, translated, transcripted, translated again, lost, refund, are a “wholly book”, especially when it inherits so many awful stories about punishments, sacrifices?

    And on and one I go…. Finally they hold their hands over their ears and rush away never to be seen again.


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