Find What Your Social Status Was in the Congregation

by Mary 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Great progression and pretty much on point (one of the reasons I stepped down or in my case...UP)

    I started as PO then ended by going back to college.....and everything in between.

  • Mary

    Presiding Overseers are now Coordinator of the Body of Elders

    Aw geeze, really? Guess I haven't been keeping up with 'noo lite'!

  • JustVisting

    Spot on analysis. Although I did see a case where a born-in #1 completed a University degree with the first few years completed at an out of state University. This young man's father, a prominent and wealthy long-time elder saw to it that his son was quickly appointed MS. Clearly an example of #1 trumping automatic demotion to #8.

  • LisaRose

    I was mostly a seven, disfellowshipped husband, missed more meeting than I made. No college, but I think I veered into eight territory when I got a promotion to a systems analyst position. God forbid a lowly sister had a corporate job.

  • sowhatnow

    our family was a blend of 5 and 6, our kids were well behaved, we got compliments about it, yet no one ever invited us to thier home for any other reason than conregation related events like picnics or baby showers. and yea everyone always had an exscuse why they were too busy to get thier kids together with my kids. and I was always the one to ask, and drive my kids everyplace.

    and, my son DID get punched in the stomach by an older boy only 3 months after starting a new congregation, which he did not tell me till 8 years later! after that my son wouldnt go, I never forced my kids to go to a meeting,[ like my mom did to me by using guilt].

    he stayed home with his father who was stumbled out because when our daughter got into trouble, and my husband discussed it with an elder hoping or help, instead, he got a glare, and the words 'wow you got some problems there to work on dont you' and off he walked.

    after that my husband never went again. neither did my kids. I went for years alone. now i dont care anymore. Im not missed thats for sure.

  • Divergent

    I was at 1, then 2. My dad was the ex-PO. He stepped down to make way for someone younger. It was a stressful job & he just couldn't handle it anymore

  • Gorbatchov

    We (our family) gave ourself a status above the CBO / PO. We were 4th generation witnesses so

    we decided we were the historical based elite in the congregation. On this historical grounds

    my grandfather and father, both elders, protected the rank and file against

    the organizational elders. Our family was against the organization and for the weak

    and poor!

    I faded a year after becoming nr. 8.

  • sylvlef

    nice writing.

    i'm a number 5...and intend to go back to college soon so That should make me being a number 8....

    sadly my wife would like me to be a number 3, so That one Day we can be number 2 or even number 1...not going to happen ;)

  • Oubliette

    2, 5, 6, 8

  • Lets Think
    Lets Think

    What you have to say on rankings is so true, different degrees depending on congregation. I was a 2 for ten years then a 1for ten years then a 5 now a 7/8. Really like being a seven eight. Its all conditional love and freindships. Get out and make a real life .

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