Do we know for sure what happens after death?

by Yondaime 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    There is no evidence for a soul or spirit.

    In the pre-scientific world people believed that our breath was evidence of an invisible force that inhabited our bodies. The words for breath and spirit are the same root...

    Life is not some etherial thing that inhabits our bodies. Life is simply a process. Once our bodies can no longer sustain that process, consciousness ends.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    If people who have died did go to "heaven", what kind of heaven would it be for them to watch their friends & relatives grieving and suffering?

    Not to mention being able to see all of the atrocities being suffered by innocent people worldwide!! It would be hell-in-heaven!

    Genesis 3:19, Psalm 146:4, & Ecclesiastes 9:5 all nail it!

    No evidence to dispute these.

  • Apognophos

    Personally, I like the Quran version of getting 72 virgins.

    Now that I think about it, where do all those virgins come from, anyway?

  • smiddy

    Personally, I like the Quran version of getting 72 virgins.

    I dont think their are any left in the western world


  • Gregor

    72 virgin what?

  • OnTheWayOut

    While I do participate in believer/nonbeliever discussions and the like, I truly believe that each person's own journey of discovery is unique and shouldn't be forced upon them beyond a few recommendations.

    THE BIBLE UNEARTHED ( was a great book that helped me see how the Israelites really lived.

    I found many awesome youtube series' on how the Bible was written.

    I only dabbled in how we got the Quran as I could already see the similarity.

    Enjoy your journey.

  • cantleave
  • EverApostate

    What happens when I die.... Well Everything goes on as usual, excpet me.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    There is nothing about the human body that indicates further consciousness after death and decay of tissue. The brain constructs the mind which constructs the person. Switch off, no more you. So other than that its all desperation setting in and a cool fantasy to endure a lifelong entropic journey to our basic building blocks.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I've always feared death but as I get older the fear is diminishing. For certain, it is the path of all humans born. I am human. Eternal life might be boring. This is a welcome drastic change in my thinking. My mom never feared death. I've seen people in hospice as a pain patient. Some aren't afraid. Some are. It is only to be human. We know no other way.

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