Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • freddo

    Simon - have you forgotten the IRA (Catholic) bombings in N.I. and London? The Nazi (Catholic and Protestant) killing of millions of Jews? The point made by confusedandalone about the Ku Klux Klan is a good one.

  • Simon
  • AlphaMan

    ISIS is thought to have 30k members as of today. The KKK has about 10k. However if you couple the KKK with many of the other Christian based White Supremist groups the gap closes and no doubt exceeds the numbers of ISIS.


    Are you seriously comparing ISIS and the KKK as being the same type organizations? The KKK is more just a hate group with probably very few members committing violence. ISIS kills hundreds, maybe even thousands of people. So bad that world forces have declared war on ISIS because of the organiation's violent actions.

  • freddo

    And what religion are most of ISIS' victims?

  • Simon

    Yeah, I don't remember anyone needing an international coalition, fighter bombers and cruise missiles to contain the KKK.

    Simon - have you forgotten the IRA (Catholic) bombings in N.I. and London? The Nazi (Catholic and Protestant) killing of millions of Jews? The point about the Ku Klux Klan is a good one.

    No, they were also dispicable and again - allowed to happen because of the cover and support of the communities they came from until people grew tired of it after they had gone too far. There doesn't appear to be any "too far" when it comes to support of Islam.

    Nazism got a head start because of appeasement and the mistaken belief that extremists could be reasoned with and trusted.

  • Simon

    Incidentally: I think all of these issues are not simply religious - they become a tool of religious extremism. Very often they are first a failure of politics.

    It's why we need to hold politicians to account and not allow idiotic policies ... like invading stable countriesm propping up dictators, arming factions and so on. One day all the blow-back lands in your back yard and it's way harder to sort out then.

  • cofty

    The British Parliament voted today to send the RAF to help bomb the bastards in northern Iraq. I was at an air show last year when RAF Harriers took part in a simulated low level bombing attack on the airfield. Bloody terrifying!

    Cameron has warned it will be a long conflict lasting years not months.

  • confusedandalone

    Alphaman do you realize that what you are saying is the height of foolishness. FOR YEARS the KKK bombed killed and raped and did whatever they wanted to to whomever they wanted. They still kill people just not at the same rate that they once did. Most americans sat on and freaking watched it happen. For goodness sake many white american towns in the US gathered together with their little children to watch black people who committed no crimes be burned and lynched and thier genetalia chopped of. men women and children LOOOOOVED it. You consider that timeframe so long ago. Yet there are still people alive who remember this stuff. Their children many who have the same values exist today. They will die off.

    In maybe 100 years the same will be said of these crazy muslim extremists.

    The world forces will definitely gather together to stop what they see as those SWARTHY middle easterners. Especially since they killed a few white people.

    European nations will not gather together to stop these same killings of africans against africans in Sudan and Somalia or in Congo will they. Nope, because they do not care.

    Again I ask, when LEOPOLD killed 10million Congolese Africans nearly no one cares and he is never spoke about. Yet Hitler kills 8 million Jews and everyone remembers and wants to provide reparations? come on

  • Viviane

    Viviane: So you're saying we need to kill all those people first right? (joke)

    Totes! (also a joke)

    I think there is a difference between accidents and health issues and someone going to work in a morning and being beheaded but I see your point.

    Agreed, and I am glad you see where I was going with that. I struggle, often with how to say things without pissing people off. The point I was trying to make was this:

    • I don't think it's a fair compaison between extremist muslims and not
      • That comparison can be made for any group
      • leads very quickly to a "no true Scotsman" fallacy
    • More people die every day from other non-natural causes than ISIS causes
      • Cars
      • Smoking
      • Guns
      • etc.
    • Christians were just as bad!
      • yea, they were!
      • No excuse for today
      • But...we do ourselves no favor by not understanding their feelings
    • People are, for the most part, the same
      • safe home
      • employment
      • ability to provide for their family

    I have been all over the place, one thing I have noticed among most people and cultures is that we all have the same thing, our lazy, our hardwworking, our conservative, our liberal, our extremists, etc.

    I am loathe to label and entire group of people with "either you're an extremist or not real" when, in my experience, that doesn't seem to be the case. YMMV.

  • sir82

    The KKK is more just a hate group with probably very few members committing violence.

    You make it sound like a Republican Hunting Club. Are you really so unaware of American history?


    Led by elites and drawing on a cross-section of white male society, the Klan's assaults and murders numbered in the thousands.

    Or doesn't that count?

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