NEW 'Bible Teach' book... to be released at Annual Meeting?

by Calebs Airplane 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    In my recent BS sessions, my elderette, Miss K, wanted me to agree to use the Bible Teach book again.

    She pointed at the book, and asked me to read the title out loud.

    She asked me what the book was about.

    I replied, "This book is about what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible teaches."

    She sighed in frustration, but did make an interesting disclaimer. "I'm not going to say that this book doesn't teach the TRUTH... but we will be studying what the BIBLE actually teaches. I'm not going to try to defend every statement made in this book, but we will use the Bible."

    She wanted to only use the Bible, but wanted to use that book as a study guide. I tried to explain that I would rather actually READ the Bible, than read books and commentary ABOUT the Bible, but she really didn't get it. When I finally agreed to use that book one more time, I found it full of inconsistencies from the very first section. It is interesting that they are coming out with a new edition of the book. I'm sure it will be received with enormous gratitude... so much easier to answer those difficult questions, when your books line up with your current beliefs.

    She never could back up her claims, by using the Bible alone. Everything seemed to be based on conclusions that had been reached by the society. She asked me if she had tried to tell me anything that was NOT in the Bible, and when I pointed those claims out, she shrugged and said, "I just KNOW we have the TRUTH."

    Reading the truth, and KNOWING the truth... don't always match.

  • punkofnice


    "I'm not going to say that this book doesn't teach the TRUTH... but we will be studying what the BIBLE actually teaches. I'm not going to try to defend every statement made in this book, but we will use the Bible."

    Strewth. What on earth does that mean?

  • KateWild

    Ironic that WT has become a religion or updating beliefs, thankfully many have woken up to this truth that continually changing beliefs is proving WT false. Kate xx

  • punkofnice

    Take the Revelation Climax book.....this disclaimer:

    *** re chap. 2 p. 9 The Grand Theme of the Bible ***

    It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say:“Do not interpretations belong to God?”

    In other words we make hilarious stuff up but you have to believe it because god says so.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Wait a minute! If interpretations belong to God, then why are they in business?


  • OnTheWayOut

    "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"

    Well,...... it teaches THIS!

    NO WAIT!!!! It teaches something different from THIS. It teaches THAT!

    Is it just me, or does that sound ultra-ironic?

  • AnnOMaly

    It's not just you, OTWO. It is ultra-ironic.

  • clarity

    Congregations should continue to request What Does the Bible Really Teach? and “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” to maintain a modest supply at the Kingdom Hall. This will assist in reducing existing stock at the branch office before the revisions are released


    Oh.....and by the way.....just keep on using this

    wrong crap ('cause it is all crap anyway) because

    we need to get as much money out of this old stuff

    as we can! ... Yes........even if it's wrong!!!!


  • factfinder

    It will be interesting to see what is changed and if it is anything major.

    I wonder if it will get a new cover? It should to avoid confusion with older (old truth) editions.

  • daringhart13

    LOL......just.....LOL LOL LOL

    Apparently the Bible teaches different things year over year

    You either laugh or kick your own @$$ for ever thinking this was the 'truth'

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