Cross & Crown Logo In New Video For Children?

by SAHS 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • LogCon

    Data Dog said, "...He's just an old lard-ass."

    It has disturbed me for quite some time that the Governing Body members do not take seriously their duty to set a model for healthy living. My guess is that Anthony Morris III is about 50 pounds overweight. He easily falls into the classification of Obese * and perhaps Grossly Obese*.

    Anthony Morris III, if you are reading this, and I hope you are: please, for the sake of the health of your faithful followers, eat more greens such as spinach and kale, eat cucumbers and tomatoes and carrots and healthy nuts and fish and skinless poultry and healthy fats such as are found in avacadoes.

    Please Anthony Morris III, think about the good you will be doing, helping others to build strong bodies with strong immune systems.

    If Anthony Morris III is not reading this, would someone please pass this information on.


    God Bless.

    * Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life .

  • steve2

    I get the impression that, as a rule, Witnesses reflect the society they live in. Little wonder a good number of them are over weight.

  • Pistoff

    This guy is so in love with himself it defies description.

    Still, it seems fitting that he would have the art department spend OUR money to insert fake children pretending to adore him into a love letter to himself.

  • minimus

    Logcon, seriously, who gives a shit if he is overweight or not? I don't give a rats ass about whether he should be eating veggies or skinless chicken. you should be worrying about other things, not this guy's health.

  • Apognophos

    Not only do the overweight GB reflect American society, but they reflect the lower educational rung of that society, where obesity is most common. A lot of their followers are on this same rung, so no doubt they look at the overweight GB members like Morris and Sanderson and see nothing wrong. "They're just like us!"

  • steve2

    Minimus, good point -this readily slips over into reverse-judgementalism. To be fair, my comment about weight "issues" seen among Witnesses was "merely" observational; rather than their having radically better physical health than non-Witnesses, they are pretty much like non-Witnesses in that regard. The conclusion from this could be something like, "Given that they claim to have access to the one true channel of truth on earth, it would not be unreasonable to expect that their "enjoyment" of such truth would engender better self-care...."?

    Constrast this to members of two other American religions, 7th-Day Adventists and Mormons, who focus on healthy living appears to be reflected in less obesity in their ranks (there have been studies supportive of this - but the citations elude me).

  • cultBgone

    Watch...not important.

    Cross and crown...not important.

    Creepy pic of kids with GB member...seriously disturbing.

  • LogCon

    Minimus said, " ... Logcon, seriously, who gives a shit if he is overweight or not? I don't give a rats ass about whether he should be eating veggies or skinless chicken. you should be worrying about other things, not this guy's health."

    You may have a point if the 'fat, out of shape, terrible role model was your next door neighbour, BUT, when a person has EIGHT MILLION people watching them, even a bird brain would think, " Hey, I have an opportunity to effect real change in peoples thinking and habits. I should show them that living a healthy lifestyle is a good thing. They will feel better and live longer. Stronger publishers, able to walk faster, further and quicker to the doors. Healthy people attract more positive attention."

    Yup, even a birdbrain would figure that one out.

  • LogCon

    This is ridiculous. Anthony Morris and Caleb and Sophia and Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse.



  • LogCon

    This is ridiculous. Anthony Morris and Caleb and Sophia and Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse.



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