Jehovah's Witnesses 2015 Regional Convention Saturday PM experience parents shunning children

by Watchtower-Free 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • _Morpheus

    I always told my kids: i love you but only as long as you knock on doors and believe the generation that saw the events of 1914 wont die before armagedon... I mean believe that the evil generation wont pass away.... I mean believe that the lives of some who saw the start of the sign of the end would overlap with the lives of some who will see end.... I mean believe that organ transplants are canablisium.... I mean believe organ transplants are a matter of conscience... I mean believe that blood transfusions are wrong.. I mean believe that some blood is blood ok as long as its broken up into 'fractions'.... I mean believe that whatever was printed most recently in a watchtower is absolute truth no how stupid or contradictory it may be.

    Very well written article

  • Watchtower-Free
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I am disgusted by these parents, and by the men manipulating this into the general conversation of the convention. Shunning comes so easy after you hear things like this slipped in a million times or so.

    My own mother will sit and listen to this shaking her head, feeling she has done something wrong, and possibly consider shunning me, when I am not even disfellowshipped.

    I suppose this puts to rest the idea that there was any reform at all coming regarding disfellowshipping.

  • _Morpheus

    There was never a debate amongst those that are paying attention. Anyone who thought that even for a second there would be a laxing in the shunning was a fool.

    They will never. Ever. Ever. Give up that power.

  • SafeAtHome

    What a couple of f***heads! And after all that blackmail to get their daughter back in, do they seem happy? NOOOO! a more morose couple of morons would be hard to find. Did they even smile once, I don't know, it was hard for me to watch. Maybe I was too focused on her fashionable wanna be Amish outfit. Geez, I'm with the rest of you guys...pass the puke bag!

    And you are right, not one word about how she came back because she loved Jehovah or knew it was the true religion, she came back because she missed her family. Do they even realize they admitted that?

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    problemaddict 2 16 minutes ago

    My own mother will sit and listen to this shaking her head, feeling she has done something wrong, and possibly consider shunning me, when I am not even disfellowshipped.

    Man what did you do wrong, drink milk straight out of the container?

    This is just too crazy for parents to even consider that.

  • _Morpheus
    @safe- nope. They dont seem to have it on their mind at all, but very cleary they did admitt it
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    If I was the child, I would have worked hard to get reinstated. Then after reinstatement, I would have shunned my parents for years and then after several years, ask them how it felt.
  • freemindfade
    It's sickening. She even says he came back because of missing his family. Not because he wanted to be a witness or loved god. Big success their assholes. They could have saved tI'm by putting this person on the rack and torturing them.
  • hoser

    My parents shun me because I don't do as much as they think I could be doing in "the truth". I am an embarrassment to them I think. They can't tell their friends how "spiritual" I am.

    If they only love me for what I can give them they really don't love me

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