Formal Introduction - Hi!!!

by Gustv Cintrn 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Welcomne Gutsy. You sound like you've been around a very long time to have remembered the 1975 fiasco! But you also sound young and full of zest. Looks like you've got things worked out and have found a nice niche. Your observations about English-speaking congregations are very interesting compared to your experience in Spanish-language congregations. Hope to hear more from you!

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, glad you joined us.


  • Bangalore



  • jwfacts


    have found a nice click within of like-minded JWs

    Are you saying they don't accept it as really the truth, but you all hang out together as part of the same social identity?

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn


    What I mean by 'like-minded JWs' are the ones that treat the Org as a whole with respect, definitely, but with a few reservations; like a food buffet of sorts, where one may enjoy most dishes but not every single one individually. Can't really explain if education plays into it, or perhaps the fact that many JWs have become callous due to all the failed 'The End' is near calls. It's complicated.

    It's very surprising to observe many 'younger' JWs beginning to treat the Org as just 'a religion' and not follow it blindly as previous generations, or even take it into account at every single step in life. This way is most comfortable for many of us inside, and as I've gauged it lately, it's the way will continue as the younger generation continues to take over.

    Changes constantly; can't hardly wait 'til they knock off the Friday from the big annual convention, also that they lower the pioneering hours even more. Lately I'm seeing a more relaxed outlook on college education as the admin. realizes is now a necesity to be better educated than just High School. Love it!



    OH... A buffet?!?!? That is a NO-NO. I am pretty sure there are articles that say it's bad to treat Jeehoober's food like a buffet. You have to eat whatever Stephen ( Hale-bopper) Lett feeds you. You should be ashamed...


  • BizzyBee

    I find this smorgasbord idea - take what you like, leave the rest - confusing. This is not the JW I grew up with, which advocated, "you eat what you're given even if you choke on it or we will shove it in from the other end."

    If you remember 1975, you're no kid. And if you're college-educated, you're no dummy.

    Something is missing in this story.

  • designs
  • jwfacts

    It's very surprising to observe many 'younger' JWs beginning to treat the Org as just 'a religion' and not follow it blindly as previous generations, or even take it into account at every single step in life. This way is most comfortable for many of us inside, and as I've gauged it lately, it's the way will continue as the younger generation continues to take over.

    Changes constantly; can't hardly wait 'til they knock off the Friday from the big annual convention, also that they lower the pioneering hours even more. Lately I'm seeing a more relaxed outlook on college education as the admin. realizes is now a necesity to be better educated than just High School. Love it!

    I have speculated that with 1914 being too far away to be relevant to people born after 2000, the religion will need to change tack and become just a religion, not a doomsday cult. It will then cut back on meetings and activity further, and push more for donations.

    The other thing that needs to change is emphasis on living forever on earth. People would rather have an immortal soul than think they may be buried and gone for many years, until God resurrects a photocopy of who they once were. It was fine when all JWs thought they would never die, but now that the older ones realise they probably will, being immortal in heaven is a more appealing concept. That shift is already happening, with the number of anointed rising. Since the current Governing Body would not have been considered worthy 30 years ago due to their age, they themselves show their attitude rebellious in this area and so likely to be accepting of such a change.


    ...photocopy... LOL!!! DD

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