I'm meeting with my congregation Elders Today HELP PLEASE

by LennaB 103 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome LennaB, DON'T GO! The elders care more about following the WTBTS's rules than what you think. Remember the GB's instructions, "Listen and blindly obey!"

    Continue researching your faith, the Watchtower's history and doctrines, and what cult-exit councelors recommend to help overcome the WTBTS's BITE control that victimizes JWs. Have you read cult-exit counselor information such as Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website www.freedomofmind.com, and/or watched his FREE videos on his website?

    Best of wishes to you.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • joe134cd

    I'm going to be rather blunt here. " they are gunna kick your arse".

  • naazira

    Good luck, I hope you thought this through..

  • clarity

    Lenna sweety...welcome to this place of refuge!

    Pick up your telephone, and cancel this mtg.

    Tell them you have a throwing up migraine !


    You are not doing a good thing for you or for

    them ....they will just laugh at you behind your

    back! The only thing they are interested in is...

    "Do you believe the gb is gods rep?"

    They do not care about doctrine, history or the

    truth about anything! It is just a Real Estate

    Development Co. fronted by a religion!

    Stay in touch here and you will for sure learn

    the real truth!


  • clarity

    Alwaysbusy big welcome to you,

    tell us about yourself, we are interested.

    Just start a new topic and go...............


  • justme67

    Hi Lenna B. I sent my congregation a resignation letter about a week ago. I told them I have learned about all the child abuse cases, many involving elders, and that I didnt agree with disfellowshipping. 2 elders called me today, wanting me to meet with them. They said there was something new about to be implemented in the organization and it deals with one of my concerns. They said if I knew what they knew I would want to stay. I told them that I didnt believe the organization was Gods mouthpiece and I couldnt stay and pretend I did. I am going to worship God and Jesus on my own without any organization or group. Good luck with whatever you decide. Make sure its a choice that you can live with and be proud of. I hope this organization doesnt hurt your relationship with God. It seems like it has with a lot of people.

  • Crazyguy

    She hasnt posted again, I think they Killed her..

  • Balaamsass2

    Lenna B - Are you OK?


    Post the details of exactly what happened at tonight's meeting with the Elders. I hope, IF YOU WENT, that things worked out OK. Please let us know!!

  • backformore

    Eh, forget what all these people say. Go out in a ball of flames and laugh your head off the whole way. That's what I did and haven't regretted it once. Canceling and running is acting like you have something to hide or there is something wrong with you. You get in their faces and make them feel like the weirdos they are, the results will be the same as hiding in the long run, you'll get it over with quicker, and you'll be better able to look yourself in the mirror every mourning. Sure, I've paid the price with almost all my friends and numerous family members but if would have just shied away it would be the same regardless of how I left. At least going out with a bang was way more fun for me!

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