9yr old girl kills her gun instructor with an uzi

by EndofMysteries 137 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Its how the West was won......

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Where are all the gun enthusiasts who previously showed photos of taking children to gun ranges and claimed this was necessary for self-defence. You can't drink alcohol until 21 in the US but you can shoot a machine gun at 5 - how does that make sense?

  • zeb

    I am a firerarm owner. i agree with all the above. An Uzi is a short range 'spray n pray' weapon for military use. That poor kid.She will have that memory haunt her for years to come.

  • Heartofaboy

    Only in America.

  • Stormcrow

    I wouldn't give a 9 year old my purse let alone an Uzi.


    Did kids just stop playing with Barbie Dolls?? I agree, that guy was an idiot.


  • cultBgone

    The "right to bear arms", which in reality spoke to the need for an armed militia should the new country be attacked within its own borders, has been misappropriated by gun lovers (not people lovers) and twisted for their own purposes.

    There are battles going on to arm schoolteachers in the US. Yeah, let's talk about the need for homeschooling THEN, huh?

    The US is gun-crazy, but they are also millionaire-crazy and sports-crazy and just about every other type of major crazy you can imagine. It's no wonder that the crazy jdub "religion" sprouted here, as it would have been legitimately taxed and/or shut down elsewhere.

  • Tiktaalik

    It's the instructor's own fault.

    He should have had a backup weapon that he could have used to take her down.

    You should never trust a nine year old girl in pink shorts packing an uzi.

    I hope they sent in a SWAT team to bring swift justice.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    The poor guy must have had a momentary lapse while wondering if had correctly set his VCR to record the latest episode of "Duck Dynasty".

  • Pinku

    Gun culure has gone too far that a reversal is almost impossible!

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