by NAVYTOWN 33 Replies latest jw friends


    The JWs make such a big deal about not taking (eating) blood in any form. That being the case, shouldn't they avoid eating steaks? Even a well- done Steak still contains the animals blood. So why the double standard? Blood is blood, according to the Witnesses. Why have I never heard the Organization forbid Witnesses from eating steaks, roasts, chicken or pork? Oh, I'm sure they have some convoluted reason why it's OK, even though their 'blood ban' would seem to forbid it. I once asked an Elder about this, and his lame non-answer was: 'We just try to cook it so there's no blood'. WTF!!!! That makes absolutely NO sense! Any opinions about this?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    What about JWs with bleeding ulcers?? Will they be DF'ed??

    Having human blood in ones intestines must be cannibalism, if organ transplants were cannibalism.!

  • Apognophos

    My feeling about this as a Witness was that it was the thought that counted. Naturally the Jews could not bleed their meat 100% either, and God would not have given them that commandment if they couldn't keep it.

  • sir82

    How many JWs bleed the fish they catch and later eat?

  • problemaddict

    Well actually, the "red stuff" from rare meat really isn't blood. I see your point that a miniscule amount of blood must always be present. But the dietary restriction that started this mess only called for Noah and then Isrealites to bleed the animal in due dilligence before consuming. So I get the point you are trying to make, but i think its a non starter.

    I would prefer to go with dental work using the same logic. I had my wisdom teeth pulled, and I swallowed alot of my own blood. Was that ok? Isrealites never had their wisdom teeth taken out. Perhaps there should be a prohibition?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Technically, since you cut a steak into small bits, a JW is only eating "fractions" of steak...so, they are good under WT's convoluted reasoning.

    See, use enough imagination and you can get around anything if you want to.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    AndDontCallMeShirley - Hahahahahahahahaha! Fractions of steak (wipes tear form eye) omj that's halarious!

  • sparky1

    Hahahaha! 'Meat fractions.' Does that mean that the new privilege for elders will be to serve on the Regional Butchers Liason Committee.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Although organ transplants are now permitted by the WT, some organs apparently contain blood from the donor.

  • Incognito

    I've heard the excuse (justification) - 'It's not blood, it's juice'. WTH

    My responce - 'What juice do you think is in an animal?'

    With JW's, they make a big deal over certain things instead of recognizing the intended purpose.

    The bible prohibition on blood was dietary and had to do with God allowing humans to eat meat but to keep in mind the significance of life including that of an animal. The act of pouring the blood on the ground was not due to blood being unhealthy but to outwardly show the animal's 'killer' as having respect for the life of the animal.

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