by DATA-DOG 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    I don't actually know who this thread is directed at. It could be me, and it would deservedly be so. But it seems that it's aimed at some sort of religious poster.

    I think there should be an obvious difference between someone actively trying to recruit followers and someone who is simply sharing their beliefs. Naturally people who are religious are going to share their take on things from a religious perspective, because religion is a worldview that touches on nearly every important aspect of life. We would have to only discuss mundane topics, like raincoats and muffins, to avoid religion coming up.

    When someone says that "You can share your beliefs as long as you can defend them logically", they're really saying, "We don't have any tolerance for your beliefs." Nobody can prove their position absolutely, so to require someone else to meet your personal standards of proof and to play by your own rules and your own reading of the Bible is to basically say, "Religionists not welcome."

    Which is fine, again, if the site were at, but since this is supposed to be a place to welcome people who are doubting or leaving the religion and are likely to still believe in God, it's rather self-centered and lacking in compassion to insist that they immediately catch up to where you got to, several years after leaving the religion.

    Now, if this thread is simply aimed at people who are making aggressively judgmental remarks or grandiose claims instead of participating humbly in a discussion, then I certainly agree that those people needn't be made to feel welcome.

  • jam

    Paris: 99.999% of my family are believers ( JW's and Christians), 99%

    of my freinds are believers in the Bible. So we don't discuss the bible because

    they don't know the bible. That is strange. When we use to (Christians family)

    they had no idea what I was talking about, so they called in their minister and he

    said he would get back to me..He wasn't prepared for my questions.

    I'm a agnostic I don't know,but I would love to have believers come here

    with logical intelligent comments..

    I was told as a JW, it's dangerous to have a open mind, why, because

    Satan may enter it. Boy were they wrong.

    This is a great place for open minded individuals...

  • Paris

    from DJS

    you likely aren't in any position to lecture others.

    No-body is in the position to lecture others in a civil conversation, that IS the point

    so your tepid rant missed by a mile.

    Your insulting me? Why? Whyd do atheists so often resort to verbal abuse if they have all the answers ?

    They aren't 'discussing' religion. They are trying to convert others or wow us poor ex-Dubs with their scriptural wisdom. As if.

    I do not know specifically who you refer to, a lot of Christians irritate and annoy me as well. Especially the ones who claim "My Lord, told me this, last night" or that "Jesus reveals thing to them" This is so self centered and grandiose. Can't stand it.

    and c. completely ignore the fact that states, regions and nations which are more secular and atheist tend to be more intelligent, educated, happy and functional, open themselves up for dissection. DJS

    Really ? "Atheist Nations are more intelligent, educated and happy" ? Really ? Which nations would those BE exactly ? China ? Its an atheist nation that has NO tuition free high school, NO pensions for the elderly and NO disabilty or workers compensation of welfare and enslaves millions to live and sleep in factories so a small Communist select can enrich themselves off the misery of millions, who regularily commit suicide they are such "happy athesits"

    Chinese flee that country as soon as they can, and the education level in China, among those that manage to be able to afford it, test out at 4th grade. As proven by thousands and thousands of tested incoming immigrants from China. The Chinese atheists, have not invented ONE SINGLE THING in a thousand years. Their "brilliance" is myth. All technology, all manufacturing was transplanted completely intact to China by Europe and North American corporations. China is scientifically backward. Example: China has no waste management and according to the World Health Organization uses raw human excrement and urine on their crops and there is no regulation to prevent it, and its dangerous. Atheist China builds entire cities that are left uninhabited while it bulldozes villages that have been there for a thousand years. Atheist China, is a nightmare of a country. So much for your "lecture", DJS on the "superiority" of atheist countries. Shall we move on to Russia? Want to go there to live ? Russians don't.

    Many people who leave the WT might eventually become atheists, or not. But this may be a process. Your need to lecture people on atheism does not take into consideration where that person is now in their own journey and what it would take to open their eyes and allow them them safely and comfortably exit in their own way. Your misguided impression that you are somehow smarter or better informed or more scientific or better educated than absolutely anybody who believes in God is in itself, evidence of your own self centered delusion and a very WT mindset in that, you just have to be on top, and have the last word and be right.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Actually I like some of the religious posters here that maintain thier faith despite others. Often the majority make simple faith based comments and I don't ignore them but neither do I feel the need to debate them.

    Ones like the thread being discussed here are simplt idiotic. The poster challenges everyone at once and claims reading the bible will help some.

    Reading the bible will:

    1. Make one a better JW (if their mind is condtioned)

    2. Make one born again likely as the Pauline and Johannine works seems to teach it (sort of)

    3. Make ones atheists.

    4. Makes some Catholic or Islamic.

    The possibilities are endless. As such it was a good debate. Then it went downhill.

    I for one despite being atheist find religion and their ideas facinating //

  • Dis-Member

    I'm not sure which is worse.. a superior arrogant, smug 'I'm right your wrong' atheist or a superior arrogant smug 'I'm right your wrong' Christian. Both extremes are unpleasant.

  • Twitch

    I'm not sure which is worse.. a superior arrogant, smug 'I'm right your wrong' atheist or a superior arrogant smug 'I'm right your wrong' Christian. Both extremes are unpleasant


  • sparky1

    Good manners never go out of style.

  • objectivetruth

    There is only 1 Thing worse than a Dirty Rotten Apostate, and that is a Dirty Rotten Atheist.

    One thing worse than both though is a Dirty Rotten Zombie.

    But in all seriousness.. Can all Atheists please only comment on posts that meet the following Criteria.

    1. The Post has nothing to Do with Religion.

    2. The Post is written in another language that is spoken by less than .001% of the World.

    3. The Post is written by a Confirmed Member of the Governing Body, but does not violate Rule 1.

    4. The post title contains this phrase. "FAO" That means For Atheists Only BTW. (Most FAO posts are created to Discuss Mein Kampf and Or anything written By Darwin.)

    5. The Post is Dedicated to Prasing The Intelligence and High Moral Character of a Christian. (Rule #1 Still Applies)

    If an Atheist at any time decides to Cease & Desist as an Atheist, he or she may apply for Re-Instatement and the Privilage to Comment and Participate in All Posts. A body of 7-12 Self Appointed Theists will dig into all areas of his (The Atheists) Life, and if any forms of Immorality,Depravity,Blasphemy or Cruelty to Kitties are found, The Body of Pious Theists will immediately denounce the Atheist as, well.. An Atheist.

    The Body may then take turns saying things like "You should read the bible" or "I knew it" or "you are all the same" or "You should have listened to me" or anything else that will help the Atheist consider his life choices.

    If there are any Atheists that dislike these new rules he/she can an post all of his concerns in Post Type #2 or #4.

    Thank You for your time and concern.

    With Christian Love,

    THE OT

  • millie210

    Thank you so much Apognophos for saying this.

    Which is fine, again, if the site were at, but since this is supposed to be a place to welcome people who are doubting or leaving the religion and are likely to still believe in God, it's rather self-centered and lacking in compassion to insist that they immediately catch up to where you got to, several years after leaving the religion.

    I don't know where I will end up but I do know it is supposed to be a process.

    There have been times around here that I have felt on the dumb side just for wanting to ask questions.

    I do understand why some don't want to go back to square one every time a "newbie" comes along.

    What I don't understand is the air of superiority.

    This isnt every poster however!

    I want that to be clear. I am meeting some of the most amazing and warm people here and am so glad to be posting with you all.

  • Paris

    Millie210 - The air of superiority is the core of being a Jehovah's Witness don't you think ? JW's believe they have all the answers. Their whole existence is based on the idea of "us" and "them". JW's have the idea the common rubble of humanity around them simple do not have the "special knowledge" they have. There is no special knowledge in reality, everything knowable can be known. Even those who leave the WT and see behind the curtain and the immense fraud and arrogance of the "organization" often retain, desperately in fact, the need to be "right" to "have all the answers". To correct other's thinking. Its a fear of uncertainty perhaps. The need for an anchor.

    It is difficult to accept that they are just as lost now as they were as a JW and just as likely to be wrong. People cling to dogma of all kinds including science, to feel safe. The Buddhists would call this, attachment. Some would say enlightenment and creativity are beyond attachment and as a great artist said, "Art is a serious of destructions." It may be, that life is a serious of destructions, for those with the courage to be free.

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