Debunking the Bible

by Coded Logic 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • opusdei1972

    1.There was a Jesus

    2.He did some amazing things and inspired followers who didn't know what to make of him.

    3.He gave specific instruction which weren't clearly understood.

    4.When he was put to death there was a huge shakeup

    5.Many claimed to see him and talk to him AFTER he died.

    Yes,...I am following the line of Raymond Brown (a scholar Catholic priest) and Antonio PiƱero (a spanish liberal and secular scholar), and some of Bart Ehrman. They agree that there is a little core of true facts in the four Gospels, but much of them are tampered stories. So, to sumarize, Jesus was a religious Jew who met John the Baptist, and did amazing things, as some modern people, but his crucifixion was unexpected even by him. Then, the disciples tried to justify these facts by quoting and reconfiguring passages of the Old Testament. This led to an interesting social phenomenom, because it initialy created a religious comunity with social protection without racial discrimination (Pauline christianity), someting that worked well in the oppressive world of that time.

  • Dis-Member

    This is no way to win friends and influence people. In my entire life, I never encountered such rude atheists.

    I don't think they are looking for friends. They are just adamant about smashing to pieces and tearing down what they think is a colossal lie. I'm not sure there is any real way to do that gently and not hurt fragile egos. There may also be a lifetime of residual anger towards the people that told them this lie. ie: witnesses and even ex-witnesses, bible folk.. etc.

    In the world of evolution there is no scientific reason for manners or tenderness.

  • Comatose

    When did Jesus die? On the Sabbath or the day before?

  • objectivetruth

    Comatose - Yes

  • Dis-Member

    Question: When did Jesus die? On the Sabbath or the day before?

    Answer: Yes?

    Is that Objective truth in action?

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I like Bart Ehrman but disagree about Jesus.

    I think based on eye witness testimony there were 2 Jesus's

    1. A high preist of Jerusalem in the Jewish war... his borther was named James and was executed.

    2. A crazy (likely Essenes) preacher during 70CE that after crying for many days Jerusalem would fall was crush by a rock for and engine in the Roman attacks.

    Don't believe me.?? Read 'War of the Jews"

  • objectivetruth

    Hey biblecreated - It's funny you mention "War of the Jews" I just started reading it last night.. It's quite interesting to get a different perspective.

    Do you trust the accuracy and translation of the book?

  • Dis-Member

    I now know what it feels like to be in a barn full of headless chickens..

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Dis-Member . . . what do you mean?

  • Dis-Member

    The dialogue above between Comatose and ObjectiveTruth..

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