Debunking the Bible

by Coded Logic 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    DocHouse is supporting faith in idiocy by taking the Bible as a source of inherent fact and not accepting the

    original intent of the writers.


    I have faith though that he will eventually learn and accept what is ancient mythology as a evolutionary

    part of human history.

  • DocHouse

    It would take hours to consider and discuss so many points. Thus, IF one was serious, they would GLADLY consider one at a time.

    Back later to see if there ARE any who WANT to honestly examine such claims...

  • Finkelstein

    but "idiot" is a legitimate word describing people that can't learn very well.

    From that statment then you've just described yourself or perhaps your just too lazy to learn.


    I guess all those Universities and Colleges are just full of idiots who have problems with learning.

  • Viviane

    Does the account say God DIDN'T know where they were? It shows he DID- for he spoke in the garden, knowing they were still there. ASKING where they are didn't mean he didn't KNOW where they were.

    Actually, it doesn't show that. At all. Faulty logic 101.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, atheists- but "idiot" is a legitamite word describing people that can't learn very well.

    I meant it as a DESCRIPTION, not an insult- but feel free to use it either way for ME.

    OK. Your logic is idiotic and wrong.

  • Viviane

    It would take hours to consider and discuss so many points. Thus, IF one was serious, they would GLADLY consider one at a time.

    Pick one and let's discuss.

  • Viviane

    I guess all those Universities and Colleges are just full of idiots who have problems with learning.

    Doc's alma mater...

  • cofty

    As usual the most compelling evidence against theism is to encourage theistst to explain and defend their dogma.

    The bible teaches that humans were a special creation.

    The fact is we evolved from a common ancestor of other other primates over millions of years. The proof is written in every cell in your body.

    The bible is wrong from page 1.

  • sparky1

    IDIOT (noun): A very stupid or foolish person.

    Full definition of IDIOT:

    1. usually offensive: a person affected with extreme mental retardation.

    2. a foolish or stupid person.

    Definition taken from Merriam-Webster online dictionary (

    DocHouse there is no indication in Merriam-Websters definition of the word IDIOT that a so-called IDIOT is incapable of 'learning very well'. Please provide the source material for your contention about the learning abilities of IDIOTS.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I have tacled this before but here are a few surprises no one mentioned:

    1. Goshen wasn't a provance of Egypt until 641 BCE

    2. Yahweh (Yahu) wasn't original to Canaan according to archeology and the biblical texts. Both confirm he came from Midian or Edom.

    3. The only mention of Jesus comtempory to his life is an addition to a Jewsih historical propoganda work (Josephus) added in the middle ages.

    4, There is no mention of Paul in any writings until 140CE when a guy nameed Marcion 'found' 10 letters. (There is a Saulus in the wiritings of Josephus but he is certainly not Paul.)

    5. Danel is mentioned in Ezekiel NOT Daniel! Danel was a Syrian magician.

    6. The descriotion of Yahweh smelling Noahs sacrifice in Genesis 8 copies WORD PER WORD from the Epic of Gilgemesh!

    7. Luke and Acts are address to a 'most excellent Theopolis. The only Theopolis that ever held a great title was a Christian bishop in the 180CE. (Also the gospel of Luke copies from Marcion's gospel.)

    8. There is NO palces or any renment of a palace from the 10th century Jerusalem when David and Solomon are supposed to have reined. Infact Jerusalem was a small villiage growing only during the Omride reign in the north (when it was a provance) and later 10x in 722BCE when the north fell and Israelite fled into the city. (This is taken from Israel Finkelsteins reasearch)

    9. The book of Daniel contradicts 2 Kings as to who Nebachadnezzer's son was. (2 Kings is partially right)

    10. There are literaly 30+ contradictions between Kings and Chronicles. Some have been listed by Fink.

  • tootired2care

    After Adam and Eve were booted from the garden, why was there a flaming sword blocking re-entrance? think about it, a flaming sword? At that point a sword was completely out of historical context. This is a tell that reveals what age the allegorical text was written in. If you take the account literally, it would mean god is the author of war. Either way, it shows just how screwed up the bible is.

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