Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)

by out4good3 229 Replies latest social current

  • AlphaMan

    MLW is that your newest catch phrase lol


    MLW.....that's actually not bad. I also can claim credit for JW.orgy. LOL

  • DesirousOfChange

    it's not a fact unless Jackass Jackson and Al Sharp-to-call-racismton call it a fact?

    Frankly, I think Jackson & Sharpton are persons of lesser character than that of Michael Brown. They just have enough cash to play the system, which they do extremely well.

    Tell me, where are the respectable African-American role-models in all of this? Obama (sent someone else); Candi Rice (AWOL Republican); Colin Powell (AWOL Democrat)?


  • designs

    If your icons Rush or Hannity start using it be sure to get royalty checks....

  • Simon

    They don't have cash to play the system, they have cash because they have played the system.

    The thing I don't understand is why the majority black community don't simply turn out to vote at local elections and elect officials to enact changes.

    If people don't bother to vote and use the apparatus of government and law then their complaints are always going to ring hollow.

    Same with complaints that the makeup of the grand jury is unfair - I'm sorry, some people put in time and effort to serve their community day in and day out and not just when it suits them because they suddenly have a personal interest.

  • AlphaMan

    If your icons Rush or Hannity start using it be sure to get royalty checks....


    There you go assuming and making an ass of yourself again. You assume I listen or watch those guys when I never do. You liberals only see things in a liberal vs. conservative light. You never see that you have become so liberal in seeing things that normal people are now calling you liberals out on how ridiculous you have become. Big black thug attacks a cop, gets shot & killed, witnesses & forensic evidence backs the Police Officers account.

    Find me a real "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" bad white Cop murders a good innocent black boy incident, and I'll join your liberal wisdom protests as long as it doesn't resort to violently rioting, looting & burning the community. In the mean time, I refuse to accept this Michael Brown bullshit that's based on bad character and a lie.

  • Simon

    I also find many of the complaints of incidents of racism unconvincing because so many obviously aren't - such as the django actress and Zimmerman / Martin (the civil rights investigation found nothing). Simply too much crying wolf and then accusations of more racism because people are becoming uninterested in the issue. Claiming racism seems to have become the tool to excuse antisocial behaviour or try and avoid consequences from breaking the law. At the very least, there should be more care before making the serious allegation.

    Is it real or is it learnt? When you have kids being taught something they can believe it whether its true or not. When you see 5 year olds on TV holding 'hands up don't shoot' signs it doesn't bode well for common sense and honesty in the future. I don't believe those small kids have been harassed by police but they are being taught to hate and distrust. If kids are brought up being told that if they are stopped that "it must be because of their color" (even if they are committing crime!) then they are going to have a warped view which could result in dangerous decisions being made at some point.

    We hear people denouncing the fact that they 'need to have the talk with their kids' ... 'the talk' is to tell them that 'if they are stopped by the police they should be respectful' etc..

    Wouldn't a better message be to tell them to be respectful to all people all of the time?!

    I never worry about my kids getting into any trouble - not because they are white, but because they are polite, caring and rsepectful. If they did get in trouble I would be a fool to try and blame it on anything but their behaviour unless there was clear and absolute evidence otherwise. If I was constantly feeding them a message that they would definitely get into trouble whether they were good or bad I would be failing them as a parent.

  • designs

    Wry humor sort of goes over the heads of the Rushboites...

    By the way did either of you read the synopsis of 'why' there is human violence.

  • SnakesInTheTower
  • Simon

    So more twists and turns in this story: the news started reporting that the chief of police was stepping down but then he says he isn't and has no intention of doing so. Some theories are that it is an attempt to try and turn 'down the heat 'with the grand jury possibly not going to indict (give the crowd 'something'?).

    But one commentator said something that alarmed me though and really highlights where the two sides on this are at odds.

    He said something to the effect that this case "wasn't just about Office Wilson but setting right a whole number of racial injustices".

    Isn't this wrong? A case like this should always only be about the people involved and the immediate facts regardless of whether it may have wider consequences or not. It should not be about anything else whether that is past injustices or threats of future troubles - just the facts and the law.

    Attempting to 'compensate for previous injustice' does not balance anything out or solve any problems. If there are wider issues that need to be solved then those need to be done separately to this specific case. It is unfair to see the police as all the same just as much as it is to see black youths as all the same - each should only ever pay for their own crimes, no one elses.

    This kind of thinking to me highlights where some have a perennial sense of injustice and victimisation - they have possibly been promised one thing from a trial but the law is never going to deliver that for them. I see this as a failure of leadership.

    IMO the message should be that the case should have a thorough and trustworthy investigation and a prosecution *if* the evidence then warrants it - making justice linked to a prosecution is inflamatory. The wider issue of things such as the ethnic representation of the police should be addressed as a separate endeavor.

    Incidentally, I'm finding the reporting on this woeful - the background info that could be done just doesn't seem to happen. All people want to do is film rioters or have a TV trial.

    How about, for instance, some reporter digging out data about police recruitment in the area? How is it targetted in schools? Are the acceptance / rejection rates the same for different ethnicities? Are the reasons for rejection given? etc...

  • sammielee24

    WATCH: Chicago Activists Blast Democrats, Black Leadership

    "This is the time for us to send a message.”


    In a video produced by Rebel Pundit, a group of African-American activists from Chicago condemn the policies of the Democratic Party and decry the black community’s “abusive” relationship with black leadership.

    Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins, and Harold “Noonie” Ward—members of Voices of the Ex-Offender—tear into the leaders and policies they say have destroyed black communities.

    “We have to send a message,” says Carter. “This is the time for us to send a message.”

    That message: the African-American community has been decimated by the policies of the left and it's time to vote for change.

    “We’re always talking about what the Republicans have done to us or what they will do to us," says Watkins. "My life has been hurt by Democrats.”

    “Black folks is in an abusive black leadership relationship,” says McKinley. “Look and see in your community. Who are the real oppressors in our community? ... There’s a black-on-black crime down in city hall. There’s a black-on-black crime down in all the state capitols in America—where black folks are voting against our interests…”

    “They (black leaders) forced us into a life of welfare," says Carter. "We don’t want welfare. We want opportunities to go to work. We want opportunities to own businesses.”

    The men point to the economic devastation of Detroit as proof of the left's hurtful policies.

    "Everywhere you go, there is poverty in black areas," says Watkins. "Most of the people are homeless, living in the street. And it’s because of you, Mr President.”

    “In Detroit, where your leaders at?” asks McKinley. “There’s no white folks running Detroit, cutting water on black folks in Detroit. They’re black folks running that city.”

    The men also hit on other key Democrat platform issues, including “abortion on demand” and the minimum wage, which one of the activists says can go “to hell.”

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