Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)

by out4good3 229 Replies latest social current

  • moomanchu

    Let's see here....

    Strong arm robbery of convience store, assualting owner.

    Disrespect, disobey police instruction.

    Attack and assault policeman fracturing his head.

    Try to steal policemans gun causing a shot to be fired in the car.

    Try to flee the scene of the altercation.

    Charge at policeman and get killed.

    Busy night.

    On another note, for some reason national news coverage for this ongoing game is sparce.


    The rioting is shameful when it looks more like Michael Brown was a thug.....

    The rioting and looting is shameful no matter what.

  • nonjwspouse

    Somet5ing I keep failing to see mentioned. In all this "six shots fired" as a big reason the riots are happening, there is no one I have read or heard yet beinging up the fact the officer firing the shorts had an orbital fracture. Meaning his eyesight could/ most likely would have been severely comprimised. To fire the gun he needed his eyesight. It's no wonder in my mind that it took six shots to get the charging guy down.

  • tootired2care

    I keep hearing this dumb argument that this guy was unarmed, and therefore the police officer should not have used his firearm. This is flawed reasoning. The fact is our police do carry guns, which means that police must protect their space, so that someone doesn't take their gun, and use it on them and others. It's surprising that Eric Holder and other leftist idiots can't seem to grasp this.

    The bottom line is that any unarmed thug that is actually stupid enough to attack a police officer is certainly no victim, and probably deserves to get shot (repeatedly). I really don't feel any different about the zombie thug mob that riot's, loots, and pillages for their warped brand of mob justice either.

    Why is it only news when a white officer is involved in a shooting?

    Why does our idiot president continue to involve himself in these local cases, when each time in the past its just ended up being a national embarrasment?

    Why doesn't anyone in this inept administration, care or do anything about all of the black youths that are killed daily in Chicago and other inner cities?

    The hypocrisy is appalling.

  • prologos

    was there not another cop-attacking man shot in StLouis yesterday? copycats for hame?

  • DesirousOfChange
  • darth frosty
  • moomanchu

    How can you see with a blindfold on?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    If you have gotten this far on this thread, congrats. It came out today that the person walking with the giant who was shot dead and the one who had stirred up all the controversy with his "the cop shot him while he was surrendering" has an outstanding warrant for filing a false police report on a previous occasson. Hmmmm, seems as if it all comes out eventually. People love to jump to conclusions. Has to be racist.

    Did you hear about the woman killed with a "starter" pistol?

    Police think it may be race related!

  • Simon

    The true facts always take time to come out and early reports are often wrong - people on either 'side' make false claims. For instance, that the officer suffered a fractured eye-socket (although he was punched).

    The witness was poor though and obviously biased. The fact that he first claimed his friend was running away when shot and then changed his story as soon as the autopsy showed that he wasn't was a giveaway that his eyewitness account was unreliable as they so often are.

    Another thing that makes no sense to me is the claim that the officer grabbed him round the neck as they were walking down the road ... from inside the vehicle. Have you seen the size of the guy? I think most people would struggle to grab someone round the neck unless they were in a tall SUV and the pedestrian was medium / short height - a guy his height from a low police cruiser? It sounds to me like a badly invented story.

  • nonjwspouse

    It's angering to me that this type of story is jumped on by the likes of the race card instigators jessee jackson and Al Sharpton, which brings in large numbers of outsiders of the area to protest, make matters worse, not waittto hear the details, not care about the local businesses with the looting and riots.

    This story is NOT more important than the massive number of killings in the streest of majority minority peoples, perpetrated by majority of minority peoples. This is a broken part of society, broken families. Where is Jessee and Al about this subject. When do you see them promote family units, promote girls not getting pregnant without being married, promote young youths graduting high schooll and going into trade schools or college, promote respect for their parents and obeying the laws, promote young people providing for themselves before getting pregnant, promote abstinence or pre conception birth control before the massive , overwhelming number of abortions in the minority groups.

    It is notimpossible for the minorities tomake a decent living andeven to make the american dream of a highly comfortable liviing and even providing jobs for others. There are some very good examples out there for young male and female minorities to want to emulate. Jessee and Al are not ones to emulate. They make a living from promoting the racisim, promoting the hatred. Do you wonderwhere thier $$$ comes from. We all should.

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