The Time Is Coming For Progressive Governments To Make Laws Against Oppressive Cults To Protect It's Citizens, Making Lawsuits More Plentiful Against Them

by frankiespeakin 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I know with utter certainty that this is a call for tyranny! No adult should force another adult to believe anything. Also, no adult should be taxed for the benefit of a religion. There is no magic formula for what is a cult. A simple look back for first grade elementary school shows why religious dissidents risked their lives to migrate here. No, specific evils can be addressed by religious-neutral principles. I would carve out an exemption for children. Adults have the freedom to choose.

    Hundreds of thousands lost their lives fighting for basic American freedom. Henry VIII alone is good cause to not involve the govt. in religious decisions.

  • frankiespeakin

    Lossing tax exemption would be proper for a charitable organization fraud. I'm sure all these judicial meetings and disfellowshippings, separating children from parents, fobbidding blood transfussions of its members with the threat of disfellowshippings, will remove it in time.

  • frankiespeakin


    The question they have to answer is: where do we draw the line?

    Good point, I think the line will be drawn with human decency, and proper conduct of a non profit charity, just tax them, audit them, and prosecute them for their crimes, without showing any favoritism because they hide behind some religious dogma, treat them no different than any business who claims to be a charity with no special priviledges for their God dellusion.

    I think the Laid Off Circut&District Overseer's could make a good case against the the Watchtower Corporation, for their shitty serverance package.

  • jwfacts

    People are against outlawing religion, due to it encroaching upon freedom of rights.

    I believe the answer is for governments to be active in taking religious groups to court when they break specific laws.

    I don't believe any religoin should have tax exempt status. They should pay tax on profits. That would encourage them to stop hoarding money, and rather use it to improve the community.

  • frankiespeakin


    I believe the answer is for governments to be active in taking religious groups to court when they break specific laws.

    Yes, and the laws are changing to allow for more lawsuits. Ill treatment of members who leave I think will be a major factor in progressive laws that allow x members to sue them in the near future being the tremendous amount of fraud and vilification of innocent people in all their publications. All it takes is some cleverly writen laws to shut their disfellowshipping trap and open them up for lawsuits for events that happened in the past and present thus taking away their power and driving them bankrupt.

  • frankiespeakin


    There is no magic formula for what is a cult.

    Nor need there be on this issue just make laws without the word cult, human decency laws that apply to organizations reguardless if they are a claimed religion without singling out abusive cults.

    The Watchtower Corporation has clearly crossed the line of human decency by the way they treat those who leave even depriving them of fellowship with parents and children if either party is guilty of Corporation disloyalty, I'm sure religious freedom issues need not even be address if the laws are properly writen and maybe they are already on the books I don't know but a real legal eagle would.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Define human decency. You need to think of concrete examples. Human decency is too vague. Any court would find it unconst'l. It gives no notice what behavior would be proscribed. Cults are subjective. The Branch Davidians were not bothered b/c they were Branch Davidians. They committed crimes. Crimes that had no discriminatory intent to Branch Davidians that were universally applicable. All the threads here would help prove that legislative was enacted to punish Jehovah's Witnesses. It is so unAmerican it is sickening. This is how Hitler comes to power. Americans don't even know what their rights are. The First Amendment did not emerge as a concept in someone's mind. The culture faced violent civil war for more than one century. The outcome of a battle 30 yards away determined your religion.

    Who decides what is human decency? Why? Far, far worse than the WT would emerge in record time.

  • frankiespeakin

    I used human decency as a bad choice, even inhumane is not what I'm looking for but the general direction. Something along the lines of abusive treatment would be more like it, or proper conduct toward a member or volunteer of said "corporation" by upper management.

  • frankiespeakin

    Who decides what is human decency? Why? Far, far worse than the WT would emerge in record time.

    Don't you think your'e a little over stating your point. Rerain from the exaggerations and paranoia, over this word and get back on track please. A sort of whistle blower(now mainly for audit purposes) type of protection should be incorporated in any legitimate charity only the whistle blower could be informing not just government agencies but be enlarged to enclude hindering members from being informed by a whistle blower of the charity/fraud/deception being committed on them to solicit funds, or get free labor of them and their children to push corporation products.

  • JeffT

    The trouble is, you can't pass a law requiring (for example) parents and children to like each other, or friends to remain friends forever. If my friend decides to become a JW or a Mormon or joins an MLM, I may well decide I don't want to let him in my house anymore. Should he be able to sue me because I don't want to listen to his sales pitch?

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