The Time Is Coming For Progressive Governments To Make Laws Against Oppressive Cults To Protect It's Citizens, Making Lawsuits More Plentiful Against Them

by frankiespeakin 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    Tax them, expose them. I don't care who you are--if you are a parasite to mankind, you deserve to be exterminated and cut off. Whether it be a race, religion, nation, company--anyone that lives by lying to everyone, swindling them out of everything, hijacking every other country in the world, subverting the justice system of every country in the world, spreading communism, and enslaving people, they deserve to have all their gains taxed at 100%. Perhaps if the Rothschilds were taxed at 100% of their income and their wealth confiscated, we could have prevented the mayhem of all the wars, hyperinflations, and companies having trouble hiring deserving workers. If the Rockefellers would have had 100% of their income taxed away, we might be spared the medical run-arounds and energy crises (and pollution, diseducation, and so on) we have now.

    And suppose the vatican were raided and taxed at 100% of their income. All religions that swindle people into donating all their wealth to the leaders while doing "Poverty is a virtue" workings would also be taxed at 100% of their income. Would there have even been an inquisition had the vatican been taxed out of existence at the beginning?

  • smiddy

    ALL religions should lose their tax exempt status.

    Why should we/anyone subsidize someone else's religion?

    And also their should be more stringent laws defining what a charitable organisation is .

    Jehovahs Witnesses offer nothing to the general communitys they live in.

    Their parasites on humanity.


  • pbrow

    The watchtower does not deprive people of speaking with their parents or children. The watchtower does not deprive children of blood transfusions. The watchtower does not hold a gun to anyones head. Thats what totalitarian goverments like china and north korea do to their people. The watchtower is not some obscure clandestine headless agency "making people" do things they dont want to do. As much as people hate hearing "corporations are people" it is a true statement. Its the same way with cults. Cults are people. Weak minded people but people nontheless.

    In a free society you cannot remove cults (christianity, islam etc...) I agree with many here, take away tax exempt status, give children needed medical care but people are free to no receive care if they dont want it.

    The solution to all cults is open discussion & debate. Logic and reason will win out in the long run.


  • hoser

    Tax all religion. The world will be a better place.


    Taxation and complete transparency in all financial matters, that's what needs to be done. A strict criteria to obtain charitable status would also help. I would also refuse to grant any tax deductions to money that was donated to a religion that did not meet the criteria. That may discourage people from donating or playing the system to their advantage.

    I told an Eldub that all religions should be taxed, that way we would all see who the "true" religion is. Only false religions would try to cheat the Governments out of their tax. He agreed. He can't see that the WTBTS would fight tooth and nail to dodge these measures.

    The WTBTS would be decimated if they were taxed and if it's adherents were required to pass background check and meet strict criteria. Donations would plummet if they were penalized for giving money to a religion that failed to comply with the law. The WTBTS would be forced to disobey Caesar for no good reason, or they would have to do actual charity.

    Charity on some tangible level is coming. It's unavoidable. GB Loesch has already hinted at it. Watch for this to be implemented. Dubs helping dubs at first, with meals and building projects, even if it's only for PR. The R&F will eat it up, believing that JWs have ALWAYS been charitable. It will make the GB look awesome. JWs failing to perform real charity is a major point of contention.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The tax exempt status is problematic. Our First Amendment was drafted by James Madison, who draftd and lobbied for religious rights in VA. The earlier VA statute gave the Founders a concrete example of what would happen. Madison's famous Remonstrance, still cited by both sides in every single religious rights case, argued no one should be forced to support a religion through taxation.

    England taxed (and executed) its citizens to support the Church of England, formed by Henry VIII's dispute with Rome. The problem in America was that we had so many dissident religions that no one church formed a consensus. It is abundantly clear they wanted government out of the religion business. If tax exemption were stopped, the IRS would be pouring over churches financial records. Excessive entanglement is the concept.

    European countries put boundaries on religion. America's view of religion as benign absent any tangible proof is unique. From what I read, no other country has such strong fundamentalism.

    I understate the threat. The desire for more fairness is laudable. There are other paths to take besides empowering a government bureaucrat to make religious decisions for Americans.

  • frankiespeakin


    The desire for more fairness is laudable. There are other paths to take besides empowering a government bureaucrat to make religious decisions for Americans.

    Yes and that is what I'm saying fairness and no special treatment for religion, or 'non profit religious charities' let them be audited, and prove that they are a bonified charity, and have proper guidelines for charities to follow or else loss their tax exempt staus. If it is an abusive religious charity hold them legally libel for the abuse and give members who have been abused by any charity a legal recourse to sue or press criminal charges irreguardless of if they are a religion. Which I think is the way things are going in the more progressive governments, and which is more in line with fairness and allows no one to use religion as a shelter from prosecution for fraud, misappropriation of fund collected, and a host of other types of wrong doing.

  • FlyingHighNow

    They should pay tax on profits.

    That's important. Most of them are non profit and put money into upkeep and outreach. Some, however, are sneaky with the cash.

  • ABibleStudent

    Manipulation, coercion, and abuses can occur in any type of organization. It occurs in governments (i.e. North Korea, Russia and China to a lesser extent, and sometimes in the USA under the guise of "National Defense" or corruption) to control individuals. It occurs in business (i.e. Enron, WorldCom, ect. ). It occurs in non-profit ogranizations (NCAA, "The Second Mile", etc). It happens to hide corruption or crimes that have been committed, or to manipulate people to support a person or group using "undue influence".

    I do feel that revising USA tax codes to enact societal requirements that all non-profit organizations must comply with or lose their status, would be a start in the right direction. How can an organization being required to promote individuals' basic human rights of freedom of thought and protect children from molestation and abuse be considered unConsitutional under the Freedom of Exercise clause of the 1st Amendment? Child abuse and molestation occurs in organizations like the WTBTS because those organizations use "undue influence"/manipulation to control the thoughts and behavior of members.

    Since people can think and organizations cannot, I don't understand why the judicial branch allows organizations to use the Free Excercise clause of the 1st Amendment of the USA Consitution to protect organizations from complying with laws that do not establish a national religion and attempt to protect individuals' rights. Without checks and balances in organizations, it is very easy for corrupt leaders to decide to manipulate members.

    In practise freedom of religion is the last thing that some organizations want to promote to their members. Otherwise members would be leaving those organizations in droves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • frankiespeakin

    Also consider the effects that good legislation on proper conduct that a "non profit charity" must display toward members/unpaidvolunteers/ to make sure abusive cults don't use fraudulent means to recruit volunteers. Mandatory audits, whistle blower policies that forbid or make illegal disfellowshipping member who disagree with upper management and are aware of fraud and are informing other member about the fraud.

    Think of that type of legislation as not only a way of putting and end to the abuse of the WT corporation but as a prevention of future abuse from even developing.

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