how to survive a three day assembly?

by purrpurr 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    I stated home, work Friday and Saturday but after work and on Sunday watched several hours of the walking dead, it was nice.

  • Balaamsass2

    Show up late Sat AM. Sit in the distant cheap seats for a couple of hours with your I-pad visiting with us. See and be seen during the lunch break and leave. Go site seeing!!

    No one will miss you.

    Worked for the Mrs and I for the last two coventions we attended years ago.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, if you can make it by without having to actually sit with anyone, just show up for lunch.

  • someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX

    I used to fake sick when I was younger. :) Now I just say I went to the English (I'm in a Foriegn Language.)

    Bronchitis and the flu are good ones, and will keep the stragglers from visiting you since they won't want to get sick ;) Just cough on the phone alot, or just txt and tell them you can't talk - too stuffed up with a fever.

    Unless, of course, you have a SO. Then I guess you're F'd. :(

  • skeeter1

    Get sick. Say you have anything bad, but just don't go! Strep throat is a good one, becuase it is highly contageous and there are oftentimes no outward signs. Bad taste in your mouth, stomach ache, and bad headache. Go to doctor and tell him that someone in your family has strep and you have these symptoms coming on. Right before the weekend, and my doctor will give me a "Z-pack" dose, just in case... Come home with a z-pack, doctors note, and just lay in front of the TV, unwilling to move.

  • Theredeemer

    1. Get there 30 minutes late.

    2. say you forgot something in your car - Goof off for about 30 minutes.

    3. come back and sit for 30 minutes "taking notes" (doodling, poem writing)and listening on the "radio"(music)

    4. go to the bathroom-30 minutes

    5. repeat number 3.

    This should get you through the morning. and you can repeat this everyday with some variation.

  • Theredeemer

    if you bring awesome snacks and share then they might ignore everything.

  • FadeToBlack

    I'm with bigmac. We all need to start pushing the boundaries. I realize in the US you have already made travel arrangements, so you will just have to find a way to cope this year. My next boundary is the prayer thing. I don't feel comfortable saying 'grace' before meals. It is getting awkward.

  • Balaamsass2

    Grandpa always brought a thermos of VERY Irish coffee.

    A nearby fading couple ALWAYS "attend" a distant convention.

  • wifibandit

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