how to survive a three day assembly?

by purrpurr 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DesirousOfChange

    The sessions seem very short because they have broken them down in to 10 minute segments. There arent long talks except the baptism. It is an obvious attempt to relieve boredom.

    It's also obvious that they have nothing new to say.

    Same old shit. Just different day year.

    It's just like every new issue of the WT. SOS-JDD. Cut & Paste.


  • stuckinarut2

    medicated on pain relief tablets and alcohol?

    then one can just float away from the boredom of being there physically!

    I's not a real solution.... I'm just trying to be a stirrer.....

  • DesirousOfChange
  • M*A*S*H

    I find surviving a three day assembly quite easy these days. I simply stay at home. This method works for meetings and field service too. You only ever need to not 'stay at home' for sheparding calls, for these it is best to... 'go out'.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Someone from here might actually be at the one you're going to. Arrange a meet up. If you're with family they could say they're friends of friends or old quick build buddies or something....

  • OneEyedJoe

    I went a couple months ago. I'm taller than those seats are designed for, so I have a pretty good excuse to leave and "streach my legs" periodically. I probably spent 80% of the time standing in one of the lobby areas and my wife didn't seem bothered by it at all. The stadium had wifi, so I was just on here or playing games or whatever the whole time.

    The time that I was at the seats, I made a game of noting the logical fallacies, scriptures out of context, and unfounded assertions that where endlessly employed by the speaker. That and try to read between the lines of what their saying, and "jokingly" point it out to my wife. For example, in the stupid drama, at one point one "brother" is seen buying a computer for an older sister. Assuming you're in for your spouse, you could point out that now they're implying that even the older ones should buy computers to log on to Have a goal in mind and work towards it.

    Also, I found that being subtly negative about the convention in the weeks leading up to it helped poison the experience for my wife. By the third day she was complaining about how poorly it was managed, and how unloving many of the people there where. If you've never seen the "running of the bulls" at the door opening, you might suggest getting there before the doors open on Sunday (when it's the worst) for your spouse to witness the clear lack of love. Try to get relatively close to the doors, then walk calmly to find some seats while everyone stampedes past. That will make an impression for sure.

    I counted it a small victory that my wife didn't feel like going to meetings or in service (she was "spiritually burnt out") for 2 1/2 weeks after the convention. Instead of it being a refreshing experience it was a dull, hot, exhausting 3 days punctuated by JWs behaving no better than "worldly" people.

  • WTWizard

    Play games. Every time they mention poverty as a virtue, for instance, tally one score point. You might also tally points for positive mentions of stupidity and willful ignorance, bashing material success, or ballyhooing someone for stupid sacrifices. You could also tally points for each mention that hints that slavery is good and freedom, independence, and self-reliance are negative. Also, tally up how many senseless praises joke-hova receives or how much they stupidly blaspheme Satan and His Demons.

    Another way is to sneak in your Pokemon cartridges. I recommend fully charging your battery, since the 3DS does not easily allow swapping out the battery. Bring in a pair of Nintendo 3DS systems, perhaps with their own Pokemon cartridges, and alternate them (charge both fully each night).

  • LisaRose

    These are all good suggestions. I always used to take notes as a way to stave off boredom. Fortunately I am totally out and don't have to go to the conventions, but if I did I would just journal the whole time, it would look like I was taking notes, but I would either be writing about the frustration of being trapped in JW land, or a critique if the current talk.

    When you are a JW, there us a lot of things that you are not supposed to say, or even think. Enjoy the experience of being able to be honest, at least to yourself. I use a kind of speed writing, using cursive and leaving off the vowels, it makes it impossible for others to figure out what you are writing.

    Hopefully this will be the last convention you have to sit through.

  • jgnat

    A treat bag and a blank notebook were my friends. I would write a poem, a business plan, whatever took my fancy. Being diabetic, I had every reason to take my breaks. Very often I would nap through the afternoon. People watching is always fun.

    I usually negotiated attending one day out of the three.

    P.S. I would cruise the offerings for the day and the one that looked most interesting, "Beware of Satan's...", or an apostate bash, I would take notes on that one talk. But near the end there the whole thing was so boring, it was difficult to stay awake even for that.

  • Oubliette

    Don't go.

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