Just Curious About Something

by EmptyInside 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • thedog1

    I think it is hard when you have grown up as I did (Catholic church) and then find out that much of it is based not on the Bible but on church tradition, you reject that, then you read the bible, become a Witness, stay in it for a long time and then realize that there are a lot of holes in it? Dagney, not to try to reject the experience you had in a Catholic church, but when I grew up in that tradition and saw all the hyprocrisy and lies inherent in that religion, then I could never go to that church again and feel good. I understand that you like the tradition and formality of a celebration like Xmas eve from time to time, but I think that this MAY be a form of conditioning from the world around us that makes us think we are missing something if we don't take part in these things.

    Now I am worn out from being a JW and think I need a rest. Probably won't get one though as I am still in there due to family and other commitments. I spoke in a general way to my wife tonight about the way our personalities are stifled in a sense because of the duties of being a JW and how now that I have relinquished some responsibilties then maybe I can access my real personality again. Something we all want to do probably, as current JWs who are having doubts or for ex-JWs trying to find their way.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Both of us born-in. We will never join another religion. Ever.

  • kaik

    I grew up in since age six, so I am not sure if I could. I do not have whatsoever desire joining any organized religion. Somewhere I read that 2/3 of exJW do not become a member of any organization, and probably have one of the highest percentage of atheists.

  • John_Mann

    The JW.org is the perfect example of enantiodromia.

    It produces a high percentage of atheists among ex-members.

    I'm a born-in and I don't believe in any religion.

    Those who don't believe will never be fooled. It's that simple.

  • RichardHaley

    Now I am worn out from being a JW and think I need a rest. Probably won't get one though as I am still in there due to family and other commitments.

    The above statement is me to a "T". Might not be able to completely rest from it but I am going to be a very good slacker in all things JW.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I wasn't born in. I won't join another religion. I'm tired of self-serving religions.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I do have a friend who is going to a Buddhist temple,but I don't think she even believes in God,just likes the fellowship there.

    I am not a Buddhist, but....

    it's not about believing or not believing in God to them. They are free to believe that God or The Big Bang was the agent of "the first cause" because Buddhism is not about the first cause but more about the circle of birth and death and the pain endured in that circle. They are more concerned with the human condition: Birth, Sickness, Old age, and Death. The Buddhist path is about coming to a place of acceptance with these painful aspects of life, and not suffering through them.

    Eastern teachings on peace and mindfulness are very helpful and you don't have to accept any "beliefs" that others do.

    I have read quite a bit of material from Buddhists. Many are as close to atheism as can be, but most do not debate it.

  • BackseatDevil

    Jehovah's Witnesses is a Protestant religion. So if the RELIGION itself fits you but the dogma did not, there are any number of other Protestant religions to choose from with similar structure starting with the Baptists and working your way around to the Anglican Church.

    As most people born in Protestant religions have been raised with a firm belief that everything Catholic is satanic, it is difficult to find anything in the Catholic tier nurturing to spiritual health. There is not a lot of Pentecostals finding the light in Opus Dei, you know?

    Eastern religions are money-makers. Ever since the 60s, Eastern religions have found a home in Americans searching for ENLIGHTENMENT and a spiritual ONENESS that brings all the mysticism of the supernatural, but on a personal bases. Buddhism is one of these. The two branches of Buddhism are just like every other religion in their violence and arrogance (one moreso than the other)... and this continues to today actually (ask all the Muslims in Sri Lanka).

    People's IDEA of what Eastern religions are and the reality of Eastern religions are two different things. But because we do not have the history of violence with these religions in THIS country, feeble minded Americans are then not weighed down by the baggage of the religion's past and thus they are attracted to them without real knowledge, depth, or understanding.

    And here is the point: Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT taught how to learn. They are taught how to regurgitate. Hunting for answers in the Watchtower isn't studying, it's an Easter Egg hunt... and they are but children praised for the candy they retrive. That doesn't translate well to other religions. They don't want to do any work for themselves, and they want constant praise for the work they do. Working, studying, and learning on your own about other religions?? THAT'S HARD.

    So from there, you can understand that, like all other Protestants, we simply exit the religion without any motivation to seriously learn about other religons and... for sheer laziness (at least on my part) it's honestly easier to apply Occam's razor and move on with life.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Sorry, no more labels, doctrines or religion for us. We see others who feel they have to jump right into another group to discuss bible. We want to be be christians(through our conduct) just as the bible teaches and will wait on Jesus to come again. Don't need to be labelled with another name in order to research the bible. Be very careful for there are groups that don't believe in religion or going into churches yet they still have a title attatched to them as to what they are. Will be followers of Christ only and wait on him.

  • jam

    Unlike most here I was raised a Baptist, I became a JW as

    a adult. After I left the borg I tried going back (Baptist).

    Unfortunately I began to research the Bible, that did it for me..LOL

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