Just Curious About Something

by EmptyInside 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    We want to be be christians(through our conduct) just as the bible teaches and will wait on Jesus to come again...Will be followers of Christ only

    No way, not me. I would never want anyone to call me Christian.


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Wife and I were born in. She believes in a god / creator of some type. I do not. I doubt she will ever go to another church service. I have no need or desire to attend one.

  • Phizzy

    I eventually came to the conclusion that man created god.

    So, no religion for me thanks, it would be stupid.

  • KateWild

    I was born Jewish, but believe in a creator, became a witness at 20. I have no desire to join another group. I have been burnt too much. I am volunteering now that suits me fine for the moment. Kate xx

  • Mikado

    I will never be controlled in that way again. never.

  • Fernando

    The Watchtower organisation provides one of the most powerful contrasts between religion and the liberating gospel hidden in plain sight throughout scripture.

    Kind of what the RCC did for Luther nearly 500 years ago.

  • Vidiot

    IMO, the WTS JWorg does an incredibly effective job inoculating its members against any other form of religious expression (maybe it's kind of a "if we can't have 'em, no one can" thing).

    Case in point; like many others here, I'm pretty much agnostic, and have very little interest in joining any church.

    I do, however, have considerable respect for churches that utilize the democratic process fairly, acknowledge the discoveries of history and science (regardless of the implications), embrace fiscal and policy transparency, and foster positive community activism.

  • Onager

    Born in, now agnostic atheist. My wife is non-specific pagan but probably leaning more towards Wicca. I have no interest in joining her in her beliefs but am quite happy going on trips to stone circles and holy wells and the like. They're always in lovely parts of the countryside...

  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm not sure how great a data point I am, but I'm definitely atheist and as such have no interest in religion. In my case, though, I sorta became an atheist well before I knew TTATT, and was essentially in denial because I couldn't come to the realization that I'd been lied to all my life.

    I'm not an atheist because of the WTS, though. I'm an atheist because there's no evidence that any gods exist.

  • factfinder

    No more religion for me either!

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