God listens and RESPONDS to your prayer if you know how to log on to Him! Here is the proof.

by exWTslave 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    From my experience I understand what Jesus said in Mathew 6:6 (“when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door”) as going into our own INNER self and shutting the door so that no other thoughts come between you and your Father, and in this extremely PRIVATE setting, whatever your ask “Father will grant you.””

    You're making a point with Mt 6:6 that the context doesn't support. The context shows that Jesus was simply instructing his followers to not pray out in public just to be seen by men - for show. He wasn't referring to being in private so one could clear thoughts, meditate, etc.

    Mt 6:5,6 - 5"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 "But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

    Secondly, I've tried what you refer to for years and never received so much as a peep for an answer. In my work travels, I have pulled over late at night, walked out alone into open fields under starry skies and implored God to hear me and answer me - not asking for selfish things, but telling him I would do what he wanted if he would make what he wanted clear to me. After years, still no answer, unless his answer is to show me that JWs are wrong.

    Thirdly, I agree with what some others have said about the proper "log on" procedure. Is an almighty, all-loving God so petty that he won't answer if one doesn't use the precise "log on" protocol? The Bible doesn't support what you say; it has accounts of people praying under all kinds of different circumstances.

  • cantleave

    The same applies to those who worship Allah, Satan or any other mythical creature.

  • sparky1

    Some people believe in Unicorns. Some people believe in Space Aliens. Some people believe that they can turn lead into gold. Some people believe in Leprechauns. Some people believe in the Tooth Fairy. Some people believe in Santa Clause. Some people believe in the Virgin Mary. Some people believe in talking snakes. Some people believe in Witches. Some people believe in Zombies. Some people believe in Goblins. Some people believe in Hexes. Some people believe in the Evil Eye. Some people believe the Earth is flat. Some people believe that you can read tea leaves. Some people believe in the "Long Island Medium".Some people believe in Ghosts. Some people believe that Circuit Overseers have special wisdom. (Ex-C.O.'s or otherwise) Some people believe in being able to 'log on' to God and communicate with Him. There is no end to what the Human imagination can conceive of. All of us at one time or another has believed something irrational, unproven, ridiculous, foolish, childish,fantastic or otherwise downright stupid. And then we face reality!!!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Sparky has spoken. This thread is now closed.

  • LostGeneration

    Ha ha, you caught your wife on a good day, right after your prayer.

    Come back on Monday after she rips your ass a new one and tell us how helpful God was.

    Here's your answer, no prayer needed though I do accept paypal donations - DIVORCE HER ASS!

  • Mikado

    you know it's so awesome he answered you, while not giving a shit about all the poor kids dying daily of starvation and lack of clean drinking water.

  • NotNew

    Well good for you...glad it worked. So far!

    It would be great if God did answer prayer!

    So it must be that millions who pray for help, personally and for the well being of others don't know how to pray...so God lets people starve to death? Or other inhuman things happen.

    What will happen...happens!


  • LisaRose

    I was in the same situation as you, I was stuck in an unhappy marriage. After 28 years of misery, I suddenly realized I was only stuck in my mind, God had nothing to do with it, only some men who claimed to represent God. I left them and my marriage and have been happier than I ever dreamed possible.

    I practice meditation, and it is very powerful, but it isn't God you are connecting with, only your own mind. Since you believe in him, your mind presented your peace and calm as from God. I am not a believer so my calm took a different form. It's called endorphins, your body's natural pain killers. This effect of meditation has been extensively studied and documented, which most JWs don't know about as the Watchtower disapproves of meditation.

    I find it odd than your wife should somehow have changed through all this. I suspect it's short lived as she is responding to your newfound peace, my experience is that people don't change that much, so I hope not. I simply can't believe God would grant your particular wish and not that of all the other millions of people that earnestly pray to him on a daily basis, whether Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic, or protestant. But that's just me.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Cheese and rice, I have so many passwords and usernames to remember don't tell me I need more to 'log on' to god.

    just tried logging on... Gotta 404 error.

  • Pinku

    Hi exWTslave,

    Thank you for sharing this. It inspires me to apply your tactic in the very process of selecting a marriage partner (rather than going for a repair work later). After my initial selection, I will go into the REAL SILENCE as you say is the PASSWORD, then will wait for His OK.

    Anyhow that was good. Further what you said makes sense, and explains why some do not succeed in meditation and eventually drop off and why some (like Jesus who used to spend "the whole night" in meditation, and other millions in the Himalayas ... Japanese Zens.....) keep on doing more and more.

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