God listens and RESPONDS to your prayer if you know how to log on to Him! Here is the proof.

by exWTslave 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    Using your method to achieve such a result then we have the answer to all our problems. Once we know how to log onto him we can ask him to bring peace to nations, peace to otherwise wicked people and to change the personalities of all those criminals. They need do nothing to change their bad ways, it only takes us to request these things through prayer.

    I had no idea and I am still very sceptical but happy that your domestic situation is now pleasant.

  • Dis-Member

    You heard the voice of God? That's quite something seeing as no one else in human history hardly ever has. Not even the GB hear his voice but have to debate, quibble, argue, fight and finally resort to voting and the lottery to get decisions made. I guess the relationship with your misses means more to God then his 7 million or so sheep getting fed properly.

    Are you also saying that God just sat there and let you suffer 18 years of abject marital misery simply because you did not know how to 'log in'. Yet he still calls you his 'son' by voice? Did it not occur to you that perhaps you just married the wrong woman? None of this occurred to you in 18 years!! Did you not pray about this during the 18 years?! Asleep at the helm anyone?

    No disrespect but now that he is personally speaking to you why don't you ask him of indeed you are in the right religion? I would love to hear that response.

    Someone please slap me with a wet fish..

  • Fernando

    Hearing the voice of God means something very different to the physical versus spiritual man.

    Thank you for sharing exWTslave.

  • cultBgone

    Here's another possibility:

    The absolute inner peace that you gain from true meditation brings such a calmness that you actually treat people well. Before this, you were carrying around a giant Hate You flag and just being in your presence was inflammatory. Now that you are calm within yourself, you are pleasant to be around.

    Meditation allows one to be at peace. This makes anyone around you feel good, of course.

    The end.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    that is the power of mind, the exact representation of God's very being. Mind is also a creator, if it decides I am going to forget everything, everything is forgotten

    And there you have it. An atheist can use the same methodology to attain the same result. Your mind made the alleged change...no god required.

    I'm curious: why is it that you had to endure all the suffering and you had to do all the work to fix it, but "god" gets the credit? I'll bet you never once blamed god when things were going horribly, did you?

    Dis-Member: Are you also saying that God just sat there and let you suffer 18 years of abject marital misery simply because you did not know how to 'log in'.

    The religious make their arguments, based on fantasy, and tell their stories "proving" the greatness of god, but their own stories reveal him to be a dick. Gullible x infinity.

  • leaving_quietly

    I have no reason to doubt your account and it took great courage to post it here where you likely knew you'd be mocked. Thanks for sharing.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    He's not being mocked, he's being given a shove in the direction of rational thought and reality...., clearly though there are a great many who enjoy living in pink and fluffy unicorn fantasy land and the warm and fuzzies that go with it.

  • MadGiant

    And your logical fallacy is...

    You used a personal experience or an isolated example instead of a sound argument or compelling evidence.

    Anecdotal evidence is the practice of using an anecdote (or anecdotes) to support a scientific claim. In the world of pseudoscience, an anecdote is the equivalent of a peer-reviewed, double-blind, repeatable scientific experiment with consistent results. In other words, the true believers accept that just because something once seemed to work for someone.



  • Phaedra

    Four months back, I met a former CO (Ex JW) who is now a motivational speaker to the corporate employees. He helped me with some meditation tips which were like a help to log on to God, and said: “Try this,...

    Hi exWTslave,

    Is there a particular program the motivational speaker uses with corporate employees? I'm interested in learning more.


  • Hairtrigger

    I wonder how many, like you, in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and now Palestine have "entered into that secret chamber with god", asked -no begged to have their lives spared from bombs, bullets and beggary- and got themselves either killed or maimed for life for their pains. YET god heard your prayers, for putting up with an insufferable wife, and transformed her personality overnight. You begged your god once to end your misirey and his response was magically instantaneous. Those poor people, in war torn lands, have been praying for months and yaers for some respite, yet the sattellite link doesn't seem to connect. I speak of Christians like you not muslims!! Any explanation, for this anomaly in the dispensation of godly favors by your diety, my happily married friend?

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