
by lurkernomore 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Hello, lurkernomore!

    No. 1 best news, you've awakened to the realization that WT is a high control, mind controlling cult masquerading as a helpful and loving religion from God in heaven himself.

    No. 2 best news, your wife sees it too!

    I've been getting so much help from this forum, mostly reading but expressing myself as well. Very emotionally supportive, which is needed if you have spent any time at all being programmed by the WT. You're in a great place!

    Best wishes for happy recovery,


  • Fernando

    Welcome lurkernomore!

    Congratulations to you and your wife.

    Best wishes on the journey to your new life of liberty and happiness.



    PS - You should be fine if you're not struggling with delusions (like I did) that you can get the elders (Pharisees) to see what you see...

  • Magnum

    It's strange how quickly something you've held dear for so long just kind of crumbles before your eyes.

    I've been losing zeal and questioning and doubting more for about the last fifteen or twenty years. However, it did really start to quickly crumble in the last year or two. I'm still processing the fact that it has almost completely crumbled. In the late 80s and early 90s, I thought JWs had the one and only truth and that the end was imminent, and I was super zealous. Now all that is almost completely gone. I'm still processing it. I'm still grappling with the idea of mortality. I had big plans for my supposedly eternal future.

  • ducatijoe

    Welcome! The two of you now have your life to live, explore and enjoy!

  • lurkernomore

    Thanks again for all your kind words.

    I suppose lucky for me I've managed to come to this realisation at a fairly early age, but then again I won't be getting back the years I lost.

    I really feel for those who lived through the hype of the 70s only to be disappointed again with the generation teaching. I was old enough and remember well going through the revelation book and discussing the overlapping generation teaching, but never really connected it with the end as even our book study overseer couldn't really get his head around it properly.

    Thinking about it I haven't really heard much about the generation for quite some time, just constant: ' The end is soon close now'! mainly from my mother :)

    Funny how witnesses are still buying/planning on buying houses and expanding their businesses, accumulating considerable wealth. No need for any if that if it's just around the corner!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi lurkernomore , Aww, you woke up with the love of your life. Brilliant.

    A happy ever after to you both! and 3 gold stars for being so smart!


  • clarity

    Hi lurkernomore & the Mrs.... good for you both

    and a huge welcome to this site!

    Lovely news to to hear this morning, it brings a

    smile to my face! The ship is sinking & we feel

    so happy when more jws just take a running jump

    right off it!


  • Xanthippe

    lurkernomore I am so glad your wife is with you that makes so much difference. Keep posting, keep reading

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome lurkernomore, You are very lucky that your wife loves you more than the WTBTS. Was your wife a "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JW? What inspired her to agree with your change in beliefs?

    The WTBTS's BITE conrol is very strong, especially if you have close "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JW family and friends. Please do more independent research about the WTBTS and dangerous cults by visiting reputable websites like www.jwfacts.com and www.freedomofmind.com to critically think more for yourself and to help you leave/fade quietly from the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite

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