Disturbing Footnote in Tomorrow's Study Article...

by HeyThere 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Ok, I found this. If this is the kind of info they've read, and putting it together with other things I've posted, they could be generalising based on OFW's (overseas filipino workers). In case anybody's interested..

    " We were in a place so alien that the word “loneliness” did not even come close to capturing what one ended up wallowing in for days on end. That’s why the need for physical contact was so acute, and that’s why many OFWs like ourselves sometimes did things they wouldn’t even have thought of doing back home. "
    "Intimate relations between men have long been illegal in the Kingdom. The punishment for sodomy is death. But even now there is no dearth of men looking for possible hookups, even in malls and supermarkets, where they are said to be on the alert for Filipinos. According to one news report, a street in Jeddah has become the most accident-prone area in the city because it is the most popular place to pick up gay Filipinos who strut their stuff on the sidewalk in tight jeans and cut-off t-shirts.
    Some Filipinos actually find the Kingdom a place for the fulfillment of desires and lifestyles they could hardly afford in the Philippines. Gay men hold secret parties and fashion shows almost every other week. Most of them have foreign partners. Some even live together like family. Then and now, there have been OFWs who have made money out of these men’s attraction to Filipino males."


  • CuriousButterfly

    The study article did say that and during the study I thought so your kid is going to be a homosexual if you're not at home?! If ANYONE actually believes this they're off their rocker.

  • Pistoff

    The witnesses are the dumbest group on earth, led by the most ignorant leaders.

    They need to put on good clothes, go to the kingdom hall and sit there in order to hear:

    "If you work out of town for a week, your mate might commit adultery, screw the dog, or abuse the kids".

    All based on what evidence?

    So perfectly healthy marriages between moral, ethical people are going to disintegrate because you work out of town for a week?

    This footnote is the result of elders reporting the results of judicial committees, where the sinner blames his/her adulterous/incestous/pedophile ass on "having to be separated from my mate".

    No, it's just the result of you lacking morals and ethics.

    But the WT wants everyone to think that they monitor trends and problems, and so they publish that large steaming pile of a footnote.

  • sir82

    That footnote was for the paragraph that states that when Joseph's brothers went to Egypt to buy food during the famine, they were away from home for "at most 3 weeks".

    Evidently the urge to become an incestuous homosexual requires 4 or more weeks to ripen.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    WT comments like these reveal how pathetic WT "training" is. With all the posturing JWs do- claiming to be the most spiritual, most moral, and having the greatest integrity to god, it takes so little to turn a JW to the 'wrong' course.

    WT, in it's attempt to address problems that don't even exist and send up an alarm to be dramatic, what they are really revealing is that the foundation of a JWs "faith" is laughably fragile at best. WT doesn't even believe in JWs.

  • punkofnice

    Which culture/countries are the WBT$ referring to? I don't know that this happens in my neck of the woods.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Which culture/countries are the WBT$ referring to?


    "reports from various countries..." is all you're going to get from WT, Punkie. Just trust the GB...they would never lie, misquote, take out of context, cherry-pick, fabricate, embellish or otherwise mishandle the facts.

  • punkofnice

    ADCMS - But of course. The GB ARE god incarnate.

    "reports from various countries..."

    Oh well, I'm in Europe not Various.

  • BU2B

    So a couple weeks ago, they said to plan for the future aging of older JWs and their care, yet this week they were back to saying not to plan for tomorrow, just worry about that day like some kind of animal! Hell, even they prepare for winter!

    The comments were literally sickening. They equated not being anxious about the future with simply not planning for it or worrying about it, because Jehovah will take care of it! OMG! These people are watchtarded! However it was the same few retards commenting on it, most sat still, looked forward and were silent. These people have NO common sense or reasoning skills.

  • BU2B

    The WT consistently sends out contadictory and mixed messages from one week to the next. They blur the lines between useful planning, and making sure your financial needs are met, and greed and selfishness and materialism. They make no distiction between the two. This fosters guilt and confusion among members. I cant take anymore of this. The meeting yesterday has put me into a bad mood that is still with me. If I could move BY MYSELF to the otherside of the world and live out my day there in peace and simple solitude, I would do it. I know it is wrong of me, but the way I feel now, I would move to Outer Mongolia and herd sheep and live in a tent, if it meant escaping from my life I have now. I really just want to run away.

    I know its the natural fight or flight at work. One minute I want to confront people and Scream out TTATT to them, the next I want to stow away o a cargo ship, abandon my family and never return. My patience is finished. I have had it.

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