Kicking the "Gay Habit" at the IC

by breakfast of champions 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    so did they actually say "kicked the gay habit"?

    And who on earth would volunteer to be the interviewed "former gay brother" on a convention program? After his 15 mins of fame, he will be treated like crap for the rest of his life in the organisation! He will always be looked at with suspicion and shame and guilt!

  • stuckinarut2

    The real problem was that that brother was wearing "really tight pants that the gays just love"!

    Just ask A.MO! (Anthony Morris)

  • Apognophos

    The "formerly" gay brother would be someone whose battle with gayness is already known to the cong. I've known brothers like that, who were openly dealing with "the problem".

  • LostGeneration


    Any guidelines for everyone else? You know, the ones struggling with the "hetero habit"?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    STUCKINARUT- Yes. The terms "kicking the gay habit" and "gay habit" were actually used (apparently more than once)

    I did ask if the "brother" giving the talk was Anthony Morris, but they didn't remember ( these we not very "strong" brothers and sisters, mind you - which is good!)

  • Finkelstein

    So people who were born blind or mentally retarded are just dealing with a formulated habit ?

    And if they prey long enough Jehovah will cure them of their problem which will simply go away.

  • NewYork44M

    Billy, great comment. I concur - what it is about being gay that is a habit. I have more than a few habits, some are related to what I like regarding sex. However, sexual orientation does not constitute a habit. It constitutes who you are.


    I just have to say that my ass looks great with or without tight jeans. Is that my fault? Am I seeking great things for myself?? What does GOD expect me to do with my perfectly formed ass?? Isn't it wrong to hide it away from the world?? It's a gift from JEEHOOBER after all..

    I guess I am supposed to just wait until the new world to show it off. By then nobody will care...


  • BackseatDevil

    They are not talking about what people do in bed. They are talking about what people do in LIFE. The "gay habit" is reduced to a sex act, completely avoiding equal right movement, the Stonewall riots, and every activist that was attacked, beaten and killed in the line of duty just so that we, in 2014, can stand up on their shoulders and not be ashamed about who we are... IN PUBLIC everyday life... not in the bedroom.

    The minimalizing of what it means to be gay to just what happens in the bedroom is not just a dampening of natural human tendencies (which is psychologically damaging and aids in internal destructive emotions)... it's a war on culture.

    MY culture.


    When will Anthony Morris (The Turd ) admit that he secretly harbors the 'Gay Habit'? I'll bet a dollar to a donut that he frequents public parks at night for the purpose of satisfying his 'habit'. Anyone as obsessed with the 'gay lifestyle' as he is must have some undercover sexual stuff going on.

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