When I decided to no longer turn in time...

by SG098 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SG098

    Hello everyone,

    Being my 1st post I figured I should relate a personal experience. A few months ago I decided to stop reporting time. I'm mentally out of this cult now but still trapped because of family. Anyways, when I decided to no longer report time I was brought into the back room and questioned by two elders....here's the recorded experience:


    Thanks for watching. Hope it helps everyone out. Just to give you a glimpse of the twisted logic of the elders, one of them said to me that not reporting time is worse than porn!!!

  • pronomono

    Thanks for posting this, and welcome to the board. We're glad to have you with us. I'm going to listen to this when I get home tonight. We always appreciate insight into how things go in the back room, especially me because I know I'll find myself there soon enough, in the same situation you just went through. Thanks, SG.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Welcome to the truth about the truth! Your Elders are simply the blind leading the blind!

  • stuckinarut2

    Well done mate!

    You sounded nervous at times, and I guess you had to 'conceed' on a few points in the conversation to buy some space and not get them too worked up.

    But I think we have all seen the truth.....that obediance to an organiztion is by far the most important thing to witnesses!. The bible is a secondary point!

    I love the way they twisted things to get to the classic question "do you beleive that the FDS is gods representatives?"

    That is the classic question that they will ALWAYS incorporate into any discussion with someone who seems to be different from the normal....

    Hang in there...

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Welcome to the world of the far-out thinkers and the twisted minds!

    Really nicely presented video too, you got skills!

    I've had a similar experience where a meeting with two elders turns into a meeting with one elder that confides that he doesn't disagree with me but says they've 'got everything else right, or at least better than anyone else does so we might as well go along with it' ...

    Don't you be thinking now .. Stop thinking, I can tell you're thinking, it'll come to no good I tell you! Listen obey and be brainwashed!

  • Crazyguy

    Man these elders have been twisted, the one elder uses the old woman with just 2 coins to say that we have to report our time yet this was an observasion by Jesus this woman did not have a sign up saying she was giving her all. Then the other guy is saying that the word mother means the orginization , wtf. Mother is in the bible new Jerusalem from heaven. Man dude get out of your hall ASAP.

  • leaving_quietly

    Real-time reactions....

    What does the widow's mite have to do with turning in field service time????


    No one sees my report except the elders, so how in the world would the congregation be affected if I don't turn mine in?

    Stuck on the two coins, huh?

    Why does the faithful slave accept 15 minutes? That's the crux of the matter, right? Who is accepting the "time"?

    Oh, wow... they pulled the main apostate question out only 10 minutes in. Wow.

    Twisting the "mother" and "father" stuff. Ugh.

    "Loyalty to Jehovah's organization." Yup. It's all about that.

    "Increase your service, you increase your joy." Hmm.

    "He [Jehovah] needs your time."

    "How are you going to have faith in Jesus if you aren't doing what his brothers ask you to do?... They get their direction from Jehovah and Jesus." Really? Flip-flopping doctrines?

    "It's not a measure of who's doing what. If that's the case we'd have publisher-of-the-month. We would announce this stuff." Ummm... can anyone say: Pioneer? or Auxiliary Pioneer? And we DO announce them!!!!

    "It gives us a feel for how you're doing, where your heart is, where your struggles are."

    Elder 2: "You're a family member... you can't get rid of those." Elder 1: "I'll beat my dad in the head." (What was THAT comment about???)

    "Be careful how you feel... we don't have to feel." Huh?

    Pornography is normal, but turning in time is not? Turning in time is worse than pornography??!?!?!? What???

    Apostates = "modern thinkers" Funny!

    Wow, the double-speak is incredible. You're not out of line for thinking it, but you are for acting on it.

    "We shouldn't think." Hahahahaha!!!!

    99% of it is right? What about that illustration of one drop of poison in a glass of water?

    I noted not a single scripture was read when "counseling" you. Of course, you noted that, too.

  • leaving_quietly

    Oh, and welcome to the board!

  • cofty


  • Hairtrigger


    I admire your tact and courage in handling the interrogation. It sucks when what you wanna say can't be said because of family considerations. I have reported 0 hrs for the last few months and my meeting attendance matches my reporting. I expect to be called for a meeting soon and am prepared for it. Your tape helps greatly because just a few days ago I had inquired about wiring oneself. Since I am not encumbered by any family considerations or otherwise I don't know how i am going to react. But thank you for this, welcome to this excellent forum and once again hats off to your brave honesty.

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