Jehovah's Witnesses: Hypocrisy on steroids

by Watchtower-Free 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    These poor attendants under undue influence are caught between a rock and a hard place...much like we were when we were sent to people's doors. Likely they had no idea what they were signing up for.


    Wow, unbelievable. Hi OUTLAW, why do you think they were carrying canes? Are not canes reseved for people with disabilities?

    By the way, they might as well as have been carying guns sometimes way back in those years.

    One poster on this this site told me that guns were a common sight at the Bethel headquarters in New York.

    It that is true, then it must be as terribly shocking as as anyone can imagine......Scott77

    Hey Scott77!..

    Take a look on the Caption at the Bottom of that Picture..

    "Judge" Rutherford centre,with his Body Guards..

    It`s unlikey "WBT$ President Rutherford" would use 2 Crippled Guys as BodyGuards..

    In the Right Hands..

    A Cane is a very Useful Weapon..


    ...............................................................................Getting Into A Fight..

    ...........................................................With Someone Who Knows How to Use a Cane..

    .........................................................................IS AN EXTREMELY BAD IDEA..



    .......................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • MissFit

    Londo: they probably didnt cover that at attendant training school. Did you notice the bro. on the phone? He was calling for instructions.

    I do think calling all of them thugs was a little harsh. I think most of them just wanted to make sure the situation didnt get out of hand.

    "Sheriff " was the one that was being thuggish. The first bro. Was firm but polite but was at loss when video guy decided to stop walking.

    Are there any former attendants here? Did you get training or have guide lines to follow?

    How did you handle similar situations?

  • Apognophos

    Can I just bump this thread with a little historical smackdown? No offense to Outlaw, but... this is what he wrote on page 2:

    Notice WBT$ President "Judge" Rutherfords..

    .............................................Personal BodyGuards ..

    ................................................Carrying Canes..


    Regardless of what the picture's caption, written by a newspaper writer, says, those two men beside Rutherford are Nathan Knorr (L) and Hayden Covington (R). The title of the image file is even KNORRANDJUDGE.jpeg. Even if we just analyze the photo without knowing anyone's identity, they are obviously not serving as bodyguards. They do not have the disposition of bodyguards in the photo. Bodyguards do not smile, as their main job is to look intimidating. One of them is holding a hat and papers in one hand and a cane in another. This is not a very good way to be prepared to defend someone, nor is there a reason why a bodyguard would be carrying papers at all.

    Let's try to exercise a little more caution in making wild historical claims. A photo almost identical to this is on page 55 of the God's Kingdom Rules! book, identifying the subjects, so this claim is easily dismissed by an active Witness as "apostate misinformation", which makes it easier for them to dismiss any other more reliable claims we might make.

    Okay, I think I've been pretty nice here, right? If Old Goat saw this before me, he would have torn you guys a new one.

  • Scott77

    It thinks, the photo raises more questions than answers. For Nathan Knorr (L) and Hayden Covington (R) to walk with canes as if they were individuals with disabilities other than body guards for their WBT$ President Rutherford creates a misleading impression that these high-powered WBT$ individuals were up to something differently than what is portrayed in the photo. Was only on that occasion that Nathan Knorr and Hayden Covington were seen walking with canes? Or it was only during occasions when they with their WBT$ President Rutherford? Why then was not their elderly leader, the WBT$ President Rutherford not walking with an umbrella other a support Cane? I think, Mr. Outlaw has a point when he bring out attention to the ‘Notice [of] WBT$ President "Judge" Rutherford[‘s]…Personal Bodyguards ...Carrying Canes”.


  • Apognophos

    I don't think there's anything menacing about their carrying canes, if that's what you mean. Men used to carry walking sticks. It was the fashion. Maybe a bit hoity-toity, but when you wore a suit, you wore a hat, and maybe you carried a cane. An alternate possibility is that they were carrying them to cover for Rutherford. I believe Rutherford's back problems might have made a cane desirable, though I could be wrong.

  • RichardHaley

    Rutherford looks psyco in the pic...

  • Scott77
    "...An alternate possibility is that they were carrying them to cover for Rutherford..."

    Please, clarify on that statement. For a cult group with all its bellicose statements attacking mainstream Christian religion groups and their supposedly abhorrent worldly leaning​s, can we say it was plausible that a president of this cult group would stomp so low as to emulate the lifestyle of a group he consider to be anathema?


  • Apognophos

    Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, but maybe my sentence could have been phrased better. My suggestion was that, if Rutherford needed or preferred to use a cane, then to take attention away from his having to walk down that long aisle with a cane, Knorr and Covington might have used them too while they walked together. It was a highly speculative statement, though; I think it's more likely that they just used canes because they were fashionable.

  • konceptual99

    I respect the guy for doing what he feels is the right thing and for calling their bluff. On the other hand it is provocative and overall would just reinforce the stereotype of apostates being these crazy lone wolfs.

    I am not sure how it's done in the US but in the UK we had "attendants" and "watchmen". The former were there to look out for the brothers and sisters, get them seats, ensure their welfare was looked after etc. The latter were the "security". I did both jobs at conventions and in either case the majority were itching for something like this to happen. We were always being prepared for some apostate assault at the convention - which never came of course. At the Brighton Centre there was a ticket office which remained open through the convention and random members of the public would be followed as if they were some kind of super threat. Any known DF person would be flagged up and all the attendants in the area they were sitting told to keep an eye on them. There was a talk on homosexuality one year and since Brighton is a town known for it's large gay contingent, there was a real worry that Brighton's militant gay population would get wind of this and organise a mass invasion of the auditorium. We were all on high alert. All leave (for lunch breaks that is) was cancelled. A line of attendants stretched across the entrances. We were wetting ourselves in expectation. Of course, nothing happened.

    In both cases (attendant and WM) there was training on what was permissible under UK law. We were told it was a public venue and that as such we could not prevent access. Touching was a complete no-go area. A person being disruptive could be dealt with but only within very particular guidelines. Route one for someone like this guy would be exactly the same. Basically surround him and essentially intimidate him. When you see it in action like in this video you realise how ridiculous it is. They could have let this guy walk around and no one would pay him any real attention - he would just be "some apostate nutter" to most.

    Looking back on it all the "training" we had just reinforced a persecution complex. Doing the job of a Watchman simply was yet another meaningless task to keep brothers busy. I just feel so stupid for buying into it hook, line and sinker...

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