Jehovah's Witnesses: Hypocrisy on steroids

by Watchtower-Free 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MissFit

    Koncept : thanks for your experience. I agree that protesting at conventions will just feed the persecution complex.

    I think video guy does those things mostly for his own benefit. It gives him satisfaction to show those brothers that they have no power over him.We

  • konceptual99

    Yup - the funny thing was that attendants had to wear high vis clothing. They had to be there in certain numbers for the event even to go ahead. The Watchmen just looked like normal brothers, just a little green dot on their badge.

    When you watched them following someone it was hilarious - just like a comedy sketch of someone being followed. The "suspect" would turn around and the watchman/men would turn around, scratch their nose, look skywards, do up their shoes - anything to make themselves look inconspicuous but failing everytime. When we first went to the Brighton Centre there would be cleaning staff not wearing branded clothing and no passes so you would see them being followed. As an attendent you could sit back and watch as a guy with a bucket and bin liners in his pockets was followed by one or two watchmen straight into the toilets, the security detail stopping suddenly and then trying to look like they were not following anybody as soon as they realised their mistake. Very funny.

  • Scott77
    "...When we first went to the Brighton Centre there would be cleaning staff not wearing branded clothing and no passes so you would see them being followed. As an attendent you could sit back and watch as a guy with a bucket and bin liners in his pockets was followed by one or two watchmen straight into the toilets, the security detail stopping suddenly and then trying to look like they were not following anybody as soon as they realised their mistake. Very funny".

    Hi K99,

    On reflection, do you think these watchmen were doing the right thing? Do not you think this shameful practices of following people indicates that the WTS is a cult group? Is not this practices a world wide Phenomenon? Hi Apognophos, there is no evidence to indicate that these two men [ Knorr and Covington ] were perhaps 'covering up' for the WTS president. Had that big head had a backpain, we would have seen him walking like this guy below

    Other that, its plausible to believe that the two gentlemen and regardless of their station in WTS hhierarchy, were actually guards to protect the big head from harm.


  • UFCFan

    I usually make fun of people who say this but right now I have three words: I can't even.

  • problemaddict


    This stunt serves zero purpose. It won't affect JW's and if anything it will just confirm they are in the right place. Persecusion complex and all. People that purposely goad others and video tape it are self aggrandizing and narcissistic. They are no better than the people they are vilifying. The guys comments on his you tube show he really had no other interest other than condeming others.

    I know of areligion that does the same thing.

    Dudes like this, and the guy in the regan mask yelling at kids and saying he was molested......these guys could do all of us a favor and get a life.

    I mean seriously......what purpose does this serve? The dudes there with attendant badges are laypeople, captive to a concept. Why provoke others for no reason other than to edit a video later and make a point.


  • MissFit

    You are right problematic: he is doing it for himself. But I think it might help people on the fence or lurking to see that you don't have to give elders power over you.

    We were so conditioned to automatically follow instructions. We give these people control and power over our lives. Even the basics:

    Where to sit, how many towels to use, where to park, where to sleep, what to wear when, ect.

    It is good to see that someone can decide for themselves what to do.

    They said move along keep walking he said no, make me.

    Oh, right you can't. You have no authority over me.

    And the Brothers couldn't handle it. The "sheriff" was probably an elder and could not take being defied.

    The only authority they have over us is the one we give them.

    I think this video demonstrated that.

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