Being a JW Used to Be Fun :-)

by snowbird 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apognophos

    This thread makes it clear that some of us were a better fit for the religion than others. I never had to lie because I really liked the trappings of being a Witness. Going to the library instead of participating in a birthday party was awesome. Not having to worry about dating was awesome. And so on.

    I remember seeing them relaxed in their shorts having deep, exciting converstations about Bible prophecy, when the end was coming, etc. JWs just don't do that anymore. For one thing, most are incapable now; they don't even know their own doctrine.

    I think the problem is that the sense of immediacy was eventually, inevitably, lost. 1975 was a blow to that. 2001 was a blow to that ("Wow, we're in the 21st century..."). 2014 is hopefully a blow to that (1914 + 100). So the Witnesses just don't see the value to thinking about the prophecies so much now. It's become a simple slog to the end, a death march, an endurance test where we try to outlast this old system of things and make it to panda petting paradise.

  • MissFit

    Bluegill2: count me in to the liar's club.

    I too became an acomplished liar. I knew what people wanted to hear and how to say it.

    I credit my Elder father for that special skill.

    The wrong answer, the wrong look, would result in a beating or worse.

    There were lots of really horrible memories floating around in my head-memories of family studies with the belt at the table, having to show respect to a child molester (the same Elder dad) .

    I gave him the credit for making life miserable.

    Clinging to the good memories were what helped me survive. That and my lying skills.

  • cultBgone

    Sure, the picnics were fun at times. And things seemed more wholesome and innocent back then. But wan't that true in the world at large? Most folks were innocent of many realities of the world like genocides in foreign countries, babies dying of starvation, girls and women being raped with cultural permission, etc. And now we have news 24/7 and the world is a different place. Every generation says the same thing. But now we have more knowledge and more choices. Many have more freedoms than they did decades ago.

    BUT let's not forget that many jw wives were/are being beaten at home with no choice to leave. Many jw children were/are being molested in their own homes by men in their "happy" jw congregations. I have family members in their 50s who still talk of the molestation they suffered. They remember the picnics and gatherings as opportunities to hookup/escape with other teens who were miserable and wanted out so badly but had no place to turn. There are multiple Generations of exjw teens who were frustrated and hopeless who have been lovingly counseled and assisted disfellowshipped in groups by the elders. So not only were they harmed growing up, they lost their family connections and were tossed to the curb. Today more just lead double lives and don't tell. But they have more choices when they leave and many are faders.

    Any activity in which you're invested 100%, when everyone around you constantly reassures you that you are Right and Wonderful and so is your future...sure, that's gonna feel good. But being a jw is living in LaLaLand. It's not reality. For many the reality of being a jw was hell.

    Once you know reality, those "fun" jw memories come with a price.

  • snowbird

    During those times, I was blissfully unaware that such ugly goings-on were part of the JW's.

    I was really and truly finding joy in what I perceived to be serving the Most High God

    Now, I know.


  • Apognophos

    cultBgone: Yes, very true. I have no idea what sort of awful experiences other JWs at the picnic with me may have been facing at home. I know that a lot of my positive memories are largely a matter of nostalgia, too. Childhood seems like a golden time in most people's memories.

  • sarahsmile

    Snowbird-Aunt Fancy, far from being united in a common bond of love, JW's attitudes vary from place to place. The WT will vigorously deny this, but it is true.

    That is right! My family moved away from California area to the cold as ice heartess Washington. It was like the most snobbish unfriendy wannabe who picked on each other families. Look back, I realized the Overseers family set the tone! He was a fat man with a nice wife with five girls and all thought they owned the KH. Maybe they had to SET an EXAMPLE! Also, elders were wanting their children to shine and knocking down everyone else's family along the way. Very critical and hurtful! It was not like that in California. California there were big get togethers for all ages. I wish I could blame it on too young to understand.

    I some times think the society just put an imaginary delusional image of how we were to behave as JWs. Therefore everyone acted their roles not realizing you were handed a script. Getting into our roles and performing the best with our skills only last a short time. Marked.

    Band on the Run - Can any Christian denomnation explain Gensus 1:1? I am not come from how but who! Not frome big bang verss cretion! But from a Christian stand point which God created! I got a big smile on my face when I saw your reply. I visited several churches and they all seemed to explain Genesis 1 differently, close but different :-)

  • snowbird

    I remember a couple went to a large city and came back saying JW's there were unfriendly, I simply couldn't believe it.

    Now, I do.

  • Pitchess Co-Gen
    Pitchess Co-Gen

    I remember in my teenage years through early twenties ( 20-22 ) it was fun . Parties ( gatherings lol ), getting at girls at the assemblies, chilling with you 'friends', but I think after a certain age they want you to take the next step like M.S, Pioneer, ect .

  • SouthCentral
    I remember growing up, there was so many activities going on with witnesses. I think the one that I enjoyed the most was skating every Sunday night. In Los Angeles it seems that most skating rings have closed down. My children don't have nearly as many recreational activities as I did.
  • Finkelstein

    It was never really fun with the daily and weekly involvement, such always feeling guilt and pressure for not attending meetings or going out in service regularly.

    Having elders look you over constantly to see what your wearing or the length of your hair.

    Assemblies were long and boring, you tried to make up for it after them.

    School was a dreaded affair that you stood out as sort of weird duck out of water because you were put aside during singing the national anthem or Christmas activities.

    Being a JWS was not fun on many levels.

    I cant see how that is changed very much even though the meetings have lessen and their length.

    Its still a cult of oppression, fear, control and guilt.

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