JW refuses to provide wedding stationery to Gay couple

by KateWild 176 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Just thinking about this - their being witnesses must cause them all sorts of problems in their wedding invitation business besides this. Wedding invitations typically include illustrations of church bells, champagne glasses, horseshoes etc - all of which would be contrary to their beliefs anyway.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    This news was actually posted on the JW News Facebook page. I really wonder who runs that page as it has over 70,000 likes and gets comments from active JW's. Questions don't seem to be removed...in case, anyone wants to make comments that are logical and calm. I do think "extreme", blatant remarks get removed though.

    I do wonder how JW's expect to handle situations where same sex couples are legally married and have children. Would they just refrain from offering "the truth"? I guess they think it's a sigh the end is approaching. Sigh. If only they'd research the history on topics that are in the news.

    Thanks, Kate for sharing!

  • DJS

    From the 1950s:

    “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

    Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

    From 2014:

    "The U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal Monday from a studio that refused to photograph a lesbian couple's commitment ceremony, letting stand a New Mexico high court ruling that helped spur a national debate over gay rights and religious freedom.

    The justices left in place a unanimous state Supreme Court ruling last year that said Elane Photography violated New Mexico's Human Rights Act by refusing to photograph the same-sex ceremony "in the same way as if it had refused to photograph a wedding between people of different races."

    We had a similar discussion a few months ago on this topic. I posted a summary of a business' rights and desires and those of the US and similar democracies. Look it up. Those of you thinking that these types of discriminatory practices have any place or those conducting such practices any rights in constituional democracies such as the US and Brtain don't understand how these things work. And that includes the parrotheads on Fox News.

  • KateWild

    Cool. Lots of responses. I am glad many feel the same way. Kate xx

  • DJS


    The ones who don't are called Neanderthals, Dead Men Walking, Angry Old White Men, T-Rexes Soon to Be Extinct. Thankfully. And these OPs always get the requisite rant from an AOWM (Angry Old White Man) complaining about the REAL problem, which is (in their narrow twisted homophobic hate filled minds) the LGBT activists. It nauseates me. They don't seem capable of putting the activists in historical context. But I suppose the same AOWM were irritated about the women's suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, and any other movement that didn't look white, male and in control of everything.

    The only reason there is a tip of the spear activist group amongst the LGBT community is because it is necessary. When it isn't they won't be around.. Hate cloaked behind such ridiculous rationale is stil hate. By far the easiest thing for the haters to do would be to stop hating. But the SCOTUS, the POTUS, your company, manager, etc. can't change your hearts. But they can damn sure do something about your behavior.

    So haters. Get some therapy. Or deal with it. Or both. You all were once in the majority, but even then the SCOTUS and other courts around the globe did the right thing in securing the freedom and rights granted under the various constitutions. In almost all Western countries and much of the rest of the developed world you are now squarely in the minority. Rant on AOWM. Rant on. Fewer are listening, but you still have some friends on FoxNews. For now.

  • Splash

    I wonder what the backlash would be if there was a homophobic talk/comment at a major convention, and it was recorded by gay activists.

    Do you think there could be a court case for hate speech?


  • mrhhome


    I would have been killed twice by Hitler. Shame I wasn’t Jewish and disabled as well really. I would have liked four badges.

    It is deeply offensive that you would joke about the genocide of six million Jews.

    If anyone else had done so, they would be run out of town. Why is that the LGBT community gets a free pass on this? Not only do you get a free pass, you attempt to portray yourself as a martyr.

    This is one of the few instances where I am sympathetic to the JW. This woman was just minding her own business. She did not seek to pick a fight with the LGBT. I have seen no indication that she was disrepectful in any way. She did not stand before them thumping her bible. She did not tell them that they were evil vile sinners. She just told them that she was refusing service on grounds of her religion. If the LGBT were offended, they could just take their business elsewhere. However, that is not enough. If you do not agree with their choice, they will sue, publically humilate you, and attempt to get you fired.

    Yes, the LGBT community is worse than the JW. The JW may shun you, but once you deal with that, they leave you alone to live your life. There is no getting away from the LGBT community. If you disagree with them, they will go after you with a passion.

  • mrhhome


    I think in the end most businesses will see that it's not good business to turn away paying customers.

    Actually, the evidence is pointing in the other direction. If you look at the businesses which have defied the government (either birth control issue or LGBT), their business has boomed. The baker in CO, Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-a, etc.

    There are all sorts of creative ways for a business to side step this issue. Once again, go ahead and cheer. In the end, you will find yourself with less service providers and paying more.

  • mrhhome

    From a legal perspective, the JW can avoid miltary service and pledging allegiance on religious grounds, but not refuse service to the LGBT community.

    Am I the only one who finds this odd?

  • cofty

    From a legal perspective, the JW can avoid miltary service and pledging allegiance on religious grounds, but not refuse service to the LGBT community - mrhhome

    From a legal perspective, the JW can avoid miltary service and pledging allegiance on religious grounds, but not refuse service to the LGBT community black people/Jews/Gypsies.

    Am I the only one who finds this odd?

    No I'm sure there are lots of christians and Muslims who also find it irritating.

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