Ancient Aliens, Cosmos, Through the Wormhole...Oh My!!!

by HeyThere 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • HeyThere

    I am so intrigued by all of these science and history shows. With the universe being so large, with the fact that we have ocean floors we cant even get to, with all of the amazimg artifacts...isnt it possible? There is so much we dont know. So much we havnt seen.

    What are your thoughts on the possibilities presented in these shows?

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    It's good to open your mind to all sorts of possibilites


    Anything is possible, even though it may not be probable.

    Be prepared for a beat-down if you start a thread like this. Only things that have been scientifically proven and written in a peer reviewed paper are believed. This is ironic because science often begins with, "What if???"

    Remember, at one time it was scientifically impossible for human powered flight to occur, but now it's been achieved to a degree. The history of man is filled with "irrefutable facts" that are disproven and impossibilities that become reality.

    The sentences I just wrote will be shredded in a short time.


  • Londo111

    I wouldn't call Ancient Aliens a science show. More or less a sci-fi comedy.

  • HeyThere

    That scientist with the big hair definitely is comedy! i cant think of his name right now...but lmbo!

    but i do find it fascinating...of course, I am a huge sci fi fan anyways. so fact or fiction, i would enjoy theze shows anyways.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I like Cosmos and Through the Wormhole. Ancient Aliens is a laugh riot as it is more than light on facts, it is deliberately misleading on facts.

    Too long, but you will get the idea from the early part of this:

  • will-be-apostate

    Except for Cosmos, those shows 90% consist of ifs and maybes. Please don't, i had enough of that in the kh.

  • Apognophos

    It might make for entertaining television, but devoting that 30/60 minutes to reading a reputable science book would be far more rewarding. Cosmos is reputable, of course.

  • Perry

    It seems pretty obvious to me. About the time DNA was discoverd in the '50s; (which blew the doors off the then established evolution theory) the masses started getting regular doses of UFO / Alien stories surfacing into the mainstream.

    As scientific understanding about the enormous complexity of DNA and the interdependent irreducible complexity of a single cell has increased, it just so happens that corresponding doses of alien myths have mysteriously increased as well.

    It is a well know FACT that life could not have arisen by chance. Alien myths are just the newest fairy tale meant to pacify the masses during the breakdown of established evolution theory.

    Our understanding of the complexity of life is at an all-time high, and so are the alien fables shoveled nightly to the masses through media.

  • rebel8

    The channels that used to present history and science are full of woo now. I've watched a few programs and get disgusted by the false information presented. I'm not talking about "possibilities", I'm talking about outright dishonesty.

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