Ancient Aliens, Cosmos, Through the Wormhole...Oh My!!!

by HeyThere 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    i like ancient aliens and I've read all of Zecharia sitchin's books and I have a subscription to atlantis rising mag and David hatcher Childress mag i think it's very interesting and they might be on to something

  • HeyThere

    I do think that we know much too little about what else is out in space to completely dismiss the possibility of life...I think it would be fascinating if aloens had visited earth before...

  • Apognophos

    Well, scientists actually do want to believe in alien life, because if life formed here by chance, it must have formed other places too, or else evolution is too far-fetched to be comfortably believed. So at least life, if not intelligent life, is assumed to be evolving on other planets as we speak.

    It's certainly possible that aliens have visited us, too, however when you do the math on how long it would take to get here in a spaceship, it pushes the development of the aliens back in time pretty far and it's a bit iffy whether life could have evolved that early, and whether they would come all this way just to take pictures and go home. If they have been here and influenced us at all, they haven't left any clear calling card (at least not that we've found yet; perhaps we should check under the surface of the Moon...).

  • sarahsmile

    There might be life on other planets! Who knows!

    Not too sure what they would look like but NOVA made some assumptions. Really cool stuff!

    Well what the hell, I love Sci-fi fake documentaries. Just wish they could do a better job!

    I sometimes wonder if it started with fallen angels fables! Hmm,I should go look it up on YouTube again just for fun!

    LOL! Just got such a kick out of reading the replies "mermaids" sounds like something an older JW would say! Lol, V "nice troll" too funny!

    "I saw it on t.v. last week" Crazy typical JW thinking! That is a good example of their mind set! Brought back old memories listening to many JWs conversation.

    I am not too sure what is worse believing in aliens or listening to crazy JWs talk! I think JWs win.

  • HeyThere

    sarah i love them, too. i have seen and loved nova but forgot about it until you mentioned it. very cool stuff. i also like the hostory mystery bible prophecies, lost cities, underground cities, mayan calendar stuff...etc.

  • sarahsmile

    Fun stuff!

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