Additional BOE Letter: Please Be Advised that Further Direction Will Soon be Sent to the Bodies of Elders...

by TTATTelder 103 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fading Begins
    Fading Begins

    "the congregation has already passed a resolution, the elders should await further direction before sending the resolved funds to the branch office."

    Maybe some congregations have already sent monies in and it's not close to the expected amounts, so they are revising the plan like TTATT elder refered to in his last comment, to make the amounts requested more compatiable to the borg's budget.

  • Londo111


  • His Excellency
    His Excellency

    I dont understand what the Holy Spirit need my money for

  • respectful_observer

    "This includes the need to present a resolu tion to the congregation by no later than May 31, 2014... Please be advised that further direction will soon be sent to the bodies of elders, which will assist you in finalizing the monthly and one-time amount(s) you will propose to the congregation by way of a resolution."

    Me thinks something unexpected happened. Not only have many congregations already presented resolutions, but the fact that the deadline is only 3 weeks away and this "further direction" has not yet been formulated yet in order to be included in this letter tells me people in WT Finance and Legal departments must be scrambling around like crazy right now trying to get this all sorted out.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "It is our privilege to be working alongside you during these momentous last days"

    "Momentous last days"?!? If they really believed these were the last days, why are they laying out these complex financial schemes for the indefinite future? They've raked in hundreds of millions of dollars in the very recent past from selling branch property and they're already clamoring to establish how much more the sheeples can dole out for the future?

    "Sisters, Jehovah needs a chunck of your Social Security check until you die... or until armageddon comes... whichever comes first. Besides, your 'worldly' children should be supporting you anyway."

    Like the bible says, a greedy man is never satisfied. The GB and WT Corp have become the greediest of pigs.

  • 88JM

    After the reading of the first letter tonight during the local needs, the brother mentioned that they had also recieved another letter yesterday asking for photos of and details about the current condition of each Kingdom Hall. I don't think that is the "additional" letter being referred to in this thread - does anyone have the one I'm talking about?

    There are apparently also letters about each kingdom hall getting internet access and projectors as well - I don't mean assembly halls getting that, I mean individual kindgom halls. I'm aware of previous letters about assembly halls getting such facilities, but it seems they want to extend that now to individual congregations?

  • skeeter1

    This is a far fetched comment and there are some logcial holes, but the thought crossed my mind. But, then again, we are dealing with a cult and a cult isn't logical. Why does the WTS need a written $$ amount from each congregation, and what happens if the congregation can't produce the money?

    If one pledges to a charity, can the charity sue the donor if the pledge does not ultimately come in? The law is evolving, and the answer is a limited 'yes'. Especially, if the charity has relied on the pledge, the charity can try to enforce the pledge in court. This is what is bothering me too, the Society is making it well known that this is to build Kingdom Halls all over the world. Courts that recognize this doctrine, pinpoint construction projects as a standard for 'reliance' in this legal area. It's going to be easy for the Society's lawyers to point in court to the "reliance" the Society had on the promised pledge.

    What type of court ordered reward could the charity get? Depends on what the donor had. Congregation's bank accounts, congregation real estate . . . and if it was an individiaul who gave his name . . . then his bank accounts, his real estate (homesteaded property not protected in vast majortiy of states from this type of lawsuit), and a percentage of his future earnings. If a person doesn't live up to his bargain, then the Society can try to disfellowship him for lying and not following the truth. Now, the publisher has to give money or face losing his family & friends. A congregation that consistently doesn't give enough, may be forced to close or regroup . .. . and their assets (probably owned free & clear at one point) sold for the WTS benefit.

    The holes would be that the Borg would be, in essance, gobbling up the congregations. The Borg would have to sue (or threaten) to sue the local body of elders or individual JWs in court. That would not make good publicity.

    In reality, this is just a money grab that I just don't understand since the WTS made billions on selling properties lately.

  • objectivetruth

    How is the "GB" following the direction of Matthew 6:34 in all of this? - " Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

  • BackseatDevil

    Did anyone ever think that maybe there isn't any "new light" just glasses getting 'less foggy'? Same concept.

  • TTATTelder

    Well this letter definitely makes things more foggy not less.


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